Chapter 17 (House of Cards)

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You turn around and suddenly, in your face, the next person...

... is Jungkook.

He's sitting quietly in a chair, his eyes cast down, his hair half done.


His stylist is across the room rummaging through her tools.

The chair beside him is empty.

You take a few breaths for the courage.

Then you skirt around him to sit in it, clearing your throat.

"Hi Jungkook... I have some questions for the blog..."

Your voice quivers slightly.

You force yourself to look at him, because you wouldn't avoid the gaze of any other BTS member.

The room is full of people.

This is not the time to give yourself away.

Jungkook does something clever.

Instead of turning to you, he looks at you through the mirror while you look straight at him.

Your eyes don't meet; you're staring at each other's profiles.

It's almost natural, and neither of you will go red or lose your marbles.

"Of course," he says smoothly.

"Ahem," you clear your throat again, suddenly very thirsty.

"You have already per-performed here last year. How do you feel? Are you happy to be back?"

He tilts his head to think.

You study his profile.

His sculpted jawline.

His slender neck.

Your face grows hot and tingly.

You look down...

His tanned collarbones disappearing under his shirt...

You mouth is so dry you lick your lip nervously.


His wide shoulders stretching the sleeves out...

You're staring, you think. But you can't seem to stop...

His white shirt is slightly sheer, pulled taut over the lines of his chest... dipping down loose over his flat stomach...

Your heart is beating so fast you can't hear properly over it...

Your mouth is definitely open, you should close it but your body doesn't seem to be responding to your commands...

Boy With Luv (Jungkook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now