Chapter 1:The signs

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It was a warm summers day in Portland, Oregon my friends Destery and Nate were sitting on the porch talking about Zelda: breath of the wild. I was comfortably seated on a camp chair across from them reading The Hobbit for the one hundredth time, it was my favourite book after all. It was a quite day, but the silence was interrupted by Desterys' ring tone going off. I jumped at the sudden sound but shortly recovered. 

Destery answered his phone, "Yo new phone who dis? Oh yeah, how'd you know it was me? Whatever babe, okay, laters." He hung up the phone and stood up from where he was sitting. " That was Jennifer, I forgot we had a date tonight." he said. Jennifer is Desterys' girlfriend, I liked her she was nice and not to mention very beautiful. "Well get your ass inside and to the bathroom." Nate scolded. Destery rolled is eyes and walked over to me. "Later, dude." he said while slapping my back. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I said. "What like get laid?" he said back. 

With that comment he quickly ran inside. "Asshole." I said. I walked over to Nate, "You want to go play some Bioshock?" I asked. "Sure but you better not cheat again." he said. "When have I ever cheated?" I asked. We walked inside and began playing. 

A few hours later Destery walked out wearing the most hideous outfit I've ever seen. "Be back later, bitches." he said as he walked out the door. He quickly popped his head back in and said, "Hey, if either of you eat my pineapple pizza, I'll cut you. Have a good night!" He slammed the door and I looked at Nate. 

"How that boy can eat pineapple pizza, I don't know." I said. "I know, whatever moron decided to put pineapple on their pizza has a special place reserved in hell for them." He said. "Amen." I said.  I turned back to the t.v and continued playing Bioshock. 

A little while later Nate spoke up,"Have you noticed Destery has been acting, I don't know a little weird lately?" Nate asked. "You know we're talking about Destery right? He's like the king of weird." I replied. "Yes, but there's just been little things, like for instance, the other day I caught him watching Saw and he hates horror movies." he said. "Nate, as people grow they change, so it's not totally abnormal that he was watching a horror movie." I said. "No there's other stuff too, man. Like, today even when we were talking about Zelda he was saying that he wishes that Link would drown. You know he loves Link!" Nate said. "Nato, you're overreacting! Destery is just kidding around." I said. 

"Yeah, you're probably right I'm just paranoid. Maybe it's the lack of sleep." He said. "I'll say you need to pump that cerebral spinal fluid." I said. "What?" he asked. "Don't worry." I said. "I want to play something else." Nate said. "Okay what?" I asked. "How about...Overwatch?" I asked. "Hell yeah!" We set up Overwatch and began playing. 

Shortly after we started playing the sun started to go down. "Nate get up!" I said as I slapped him up side of the head. "Ow! What?!" he asked. I ran to the kitchen counter and grabbed my camera. "Outside! I need pictures!" I said. I forgot to mention I'm a professional wedding photographer and art student I love taking photos of nature, random everyday inanimate objects and on the rare occasions they let me, Des and Nate. 

"Okay, okay, relax, dude." Nate said as he followed me outside. I ran outside and ran into someone. "Ouch!" I said as I stumbled back. Destery was in the doorway. "Watch it!" he said. "Okay rude you ran into me." I said. "Oh yeah?" Destery put me in a headlock and dug his knuckles into my scalp. "Ahh! You dick!" I said as I pulled away. I punched Destery in the shoulder and he laughed his ass off.  I walked over to Jennifer who was behind him. "Hey Jen!" I said as I pulled her into a hug. She hugged back, "Are you okay? Des looked like he was going to knock you out!" she said while laughing a  little herself. 

"Please, Des couldn't knock me out if he tried!" I said. "Okay well Jen and I will be upstairs if you need us!" Des said as he pulled her along up the stairs. "Bye!" Nate yelled out. I turned to Nate, "Come on I need some scenic shots." I said as I walked outside. Nate was normally my helper and he always knew the best angles for the photos. "Okay so you need to turn the ISO down and the white balance has to be up." he said. 

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