javier: hes getting out soon ya know

nicole: fuck him he never cared about them hes been gone since moises was born santiago doesn't even remember him why bring his ass around

javier: thats what i told him but its him but ay santi is just like his pops i see bright future for him

nicole: good he could help around the house more

javier: hes fucking 11 12 que no? what do want him to do haha does he go to school?

nicole: yea he does but i think only cuz theres a girl he likes shes nice there always hanging out

with santiago

he facetimed emma

santiago- you ok?

emma- yea im safe its an ok hotel i guess

she walked around and showed him it wasnt

santiago- that place aint safe becareful

emma- why?

santiago- haha come on your from the hood haha

emma-yea i know i aint that stupid

they talked for what seemed like hours

emma- im sleepy ill see you in the mourning ok?

santiago- yea that sounds good night chula

she smiled and ended the call he laid there

santiago: i love you emma

he stared at he ceiling until he got up to get something to eat javier was in his shorts in the kitchen

santiago: your still here

javier: you always got something to say haw?

santigo: yea got a problem with it you can leave doors right there fool

javier looked at him crazy

javier: boy haha

javier laughed santiago backed up and grabbed a kitchen knife he didnt know what he would do

javier: chill i wont do shit your just like your pops though.. look let me clean up come do a pick up with me

santiago didnt like being involved with drugs he knew what he did but he felt the hundreds in his pocket talking

santiago:uhh sure i guess knock on my door when your ready

javier nodded and walked away laughing santiago walked to his room and got changed into some back dickies and a white shirt he sat on his bed looking at the money he had never held that much at once.. he heard a knock

javier: come on you ready?

santiago nodded

they walked outside

santiago: what my moms say?

javier: your with me its ok our safe

they drove off he was nervous at first but he cleared his mind if he wanted more money he had to keep his cool

they rolled up to a beat up hotel

javier: come on lets go

they got down santiago looked around it was the hotel that emma was staying at

they walked up to a room and they opened javier and santiago walked in there was girls on the floor and a guy sitting at a table

javier: wheres my shit?

the guy got up and threw his gun on the table with an envelope

javier: creeper get it and count it

he did and he listened

santiago: its 2 grand

javier: good

he turned to the guy

javier: you get to live see you next week

they walked out and got in the truck and left javier took some money out and gave it to him

javier: i hope this is a start to something good creeper

But it wasnt..

days weeks and months go by summer has come

emma and her mom had kept renting a room at the beat up motel emma hated it but as long as she was far from her dad she was happy.. santiago kept doing jobs with javier he saved all the money he could save..

it was the last day of 7th grade and they where walking home

santiago: so what you gonna do this summer?

emma: hopefully hang out with you

he smiled and put his arm around her

santiago: do you remeber that day we went to get tacos? when you guys moved out?

emma: uhh yea why?

santiago: do you remeber what happened when i told you bye?

she blushed and turned away

santiago: haha why you blushing!

emma: cuz! haha dont judge me and yea i remeber?

they had by walked a bench he sat her down

santiago: i wanna know something ok

emma: ok? weird ass?

santiago: what went threw your mind when we kissed?

Long Lost Love (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon