Chapter 2: "A Ride Through the Night"

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The equine galloped through the night, its black mane was being blown around by the wind of the night and you held on tightly to the dark brown stallion as it ran though the dark woods.

The only thing lighting the vast darkness was the faint light of the moon and you took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you listened to the sounds of the night. Wolves could be heard howling in the distance and the hoot of a single owl was overhead. The crunching of the leaves echoed though the trees as Arthur ran and you eyes snapped back open to see a camp set up in the distance. You panicked and made Arthur stop by pulling on his reins hard. "I'm so sorry!" You whispered to Commander Baskey's horse before you looked over at the torches lit in the camp far away.

You squinted your eyes as you observed the camp, it was hard to tell if it was for humans or monsters. You looked around, quite surprised no soldier had come and confronted you yet. Somebody must've fallen asleep while on night watch. How despicable of them.

You hopped off of the muscular brown horse and held your dress up off the ground. You looked around the darkness and tied Arthur's reins around the nearest oak. And with that, you went to investigate the camp.

You began to tiptoe to the camp when you heard a stick break, you whipped around to see a burly man with a long red beard staring at you with a sword in hand. "And where do you think you're going, Misses? Identify yourself!" He demanded as he stomped his food on the ground.

You gulped and held your hands in front of yourself neatly, "Hello sir, the name's Misses (Y\N) (L\N). I am a solider traveling from army camp to army camp on missions. I'm currently stationed in camp 204, that is the camp lead by Sir Commander Baskey." You explained to him calmly.

He leaned on his sword as he tapped his fingers on his chin before he turned his gaze back to you. "A lady in the military? Since when?" He chuckled with a roll of his eyes.

You adjusted your standing position and tilted your head as you looked to the man with a smart gaze. "Only since my King so kindly let me in to serve the humans cause." You replied to him with a sly smile. Sure, that's not exactly what happened, but it was somewhat close. I mean, you only left out the part that you were forced in, well, that and the fact that you were a criminal when the king had found you. But, that wouldn't help your case here so you kept that part out.

"Oh, you were let in by the king himself? Well, then welcome, Misses (Y\N)." The man replied before he put his sword back in its sheath. "I'm Sir Ross Stewart, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." He spoke before he bowed to you respectively.

"It's very nice to meet you, Sir." You responded before you bowed in return.

He hummed for a second and looked you up and down, "You aren't wearing a wedding ring, so I'm assuming you're a damsel?" he asked you.

"Such an impertinent question so early in the conversation! How promising." You replied with a wink.

He blushed a light red before he scratched the back on his neck, "Right, I'm very sorry, Misses." He apologized with a dip of his head. You smirked and curtsied as you looked at him with a calm glance.

You were about to speak when you were cut off by the sound of horses galloping near. You and Sir Ross looked at each other, "Are those your men approaching?" you asked him and he shook his head. "No, all my men are here." He replied as he looked ahead where the noise was coming from. The horses neighed as they approached and Sir Ross pulled the sword from its sheath once again. "Stay behind me." He instructed.

You huffed somewhat before you pulled the dagger Baskey had given you out of your boot swiftly and held it in your dominant hand, looking ahead, ready to attack if necessary. When the horses were within eyes distance, you were able to tell there were four horses and four men. Yes, they were men, not those dreadful monsters. But, Sir Ross kept his stance and stared the men down like they were criminals. When they finally made it close enough, he stepped out and glared at the men.

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