Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Dylan was here and was going to save me! I thought almost happily. That was until I saw the glint in Daniels eye.

"Don't hurt him!" I yelled.

"Oh I'm not going to hurt him, but I am going to punish you." He said before he launched himself towards me.


Dylan's POV

We sat outside the house the letter lead us to before getting out of the car and going to the trunk to get the weapons.

"You changing your mind about backup?" Duke asked and I stared at the house, the one that held Riley and her hell.

"It's a little late now. By the time they get here she could be dead." I shut my trunk and looked at Duke who's eyes shown the adrenaline rush he was on.

"You up for this?" I asked and he grinned.

"Hell yeah! Let's go get this son of a bitch." I smiled at his enthusiasm, but it quickly dropped as soon as we heard a scream coming from the house.

Duke and I didn't even think, but instead we ran to the house where we were met by Blake Daniels who had Riley knelt on the ground on her hands and knees, in only her bra and underwear, with a knife held to her throat.

I pulled out my gun and had it pointed at his head. "Let her go Daniels!" I yelled at him, but my threats were useless as I watched him grinned and pressed his jean covered erection against Riley. She screamed in shock and terror.

"Damn it Daniels! I said let her go!" I yelled ten times louder.

"You must be the famous Dylan Barkley. You know I've heard a lot about you. The towns super cop, well that's what I heard from that bitch Faith anyway." He laughed and ran the knife down Riley's arm. "I took care of her though didn't I."

He grabbed Riley's face with his free hand and I saw the damage that had been done. Riley looked like she went a couple of rounds with a brick wall, but that brick wall was nothing but Blake Daniel's fist.

"You son of a bitch. I'm going to kill you!" I took a step forward and he pressed the knife closer to Riley's throat.

"No, no, no. You see you take a step and I only hurt her more." I stopped in my tracks and watch as she whimpered in pain. My baby was weak and I was just causing her more and more problems.

"What do you want Daniels?" I heard Duke ask.

"What do I want?" He asked like we were the crazy ones. "What do I want?! Her! That's all I ever wanted! I know I can get her to love me! I just know it."

"No." Riley said weakly.

"What was that baby?" He asked, and I felt sick. She was mine! MINE!

"I won't love you! I won't ever love you." Daniel's head flipped to me.

"It's because of him. If I can get him out of the way you'll love me. You will be mine!" She shook her head and blood leaked out of her mouth before she coughed and gasped for air.

"You kill him. I will only hate you more." She barely made out. "You have to let me go Blake, or kill me here." I watched as fire lit in his eyes almost like he was fighting good and evil, and I kept my gun aimed good and steady right at his head.

He finally dropped her harshly on the ground with a loud thud. I went to move towards her, to hold her in my arms, but Duke held me back.

"Damn women, they just have to make everything so fucking difficult." He kicked her in the back make Riley gasp for air.

"Stop Daniels. Just stop." I begged.

"Awe, is the big bad cop begging for his girlfriends life? The woman who was suppose to be mine!" He yelled before kicking her again. She screamed in agony and I felt a tear fall from my face.

"You are nothing like your father. He actually fought for what he wanted, and what do you do? You are going to let her die? To be taken away just like that? But I'm going to let you in on a little secret there super cop. She's mine, and if I can't have her, no one will." He raised his knife to stab her, but my bullet it was faster.

I pulled it one. Two. Three times in the head. With a thump he fell to the floor dead.

I lowered the gun and walked up to the body. I kicked him. Then again, and again and again. I was letting out my anger.

"Dylan! Stop!" I turned around when I heard Duke and saw that he was knelt down by Riley taking care of her.

"She needs you." He said and every ounce of anger I had went away and was replace by fear and pain.

I quickly ran to Riley and put her head gently in my lap.

"Riley baby. Stay with me okay." She wheezed in a breath of air.

"I-it hurts. I-I c-can't b-breathe." I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Try for me." I watched as her eyes gently closed and panicked when they didn't open back up. "Riley? Riley!" I gently shook her, but nothing.

"Dylan?" Duke called and knelt down next to us. He touched Riley's neck and looked for a pulse.

"Her pulse is strong, but her body is cold."

A shadow came over us and I pointed my gun.

"Dylan, put it down." Duke said gently. "It's the medics." I lowered my gun from the now scared paramedic and they began checking Riley before loading her on a stretcher.

"How?" I asked.

"I called them before we came here. I figured we need them somehow."

"Thank you." I replied but he rolled his eyes.

"Go be with your girl. I'll take care of the dirty work." I didn't need to be told twice.

I sat in the ambulance with Riley as we headed to the hospital . . . again


Here you guys go hope you enjoy!

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