Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen . . .

Riley's POV

I woke up cold. I opened my eyes and searched the bed for Dylan, but I was alone. "Dylan?" I called out but I was alone. Suddenly the bathroom door opened up and out came Dylan in the same uniform I was wearing yesterday.

"Hey baby." He leaned against the bed and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked as Dylan layed in bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I got called into work. They need me to come in." I relaxed against him as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Okay, well I'll get ready and go to your mom's house so I can get some work done." I went to get up but was gently pushed down.

"Really?" He asked.


"You really think I'm going to let you go do heavy lifting and moving around after you got out of the hospital?" I smiled at him.

"Dylan, your mom needs me down there."

"And I need you here in bed. Specifically naked, but hey I'll take what I can get." I laughed at him, and he pulled me closer. "Seriously though stay here today so I'm not worrying all day."

"Hmmmm . . . no promises." I teased.

"You know I thought you might so Dean will be here in five minutes." He said and hopped off the bed and made a run for it.

"Wait Dylan!" I jumped the bed and ran after him. I gasped in pain and grabbed my arm. Dylan was instantly at my side, and picked me up bridal style. Before I knew it I was laying on the bed with him laying over me.

"This is why I need you to stay in bed for me." He said and kissed me on the nose.

"What's going on Dylan?"  I asked getting off what was on my mind.


"Would you tell me?"

"You know the answer to that."

"So, no." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Riley, I promise you. Nothing is going on." I looked him in the eyes and in a way he looked hurt.

"Okay, I believe you, Dylan." I said honestly.

Like a movie he slowly moved in and kissed my lips. It was slow and passionate, like nothing I've never felt. He pulled back for air and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Riley I-"

"Dylan, Riley, I'm here!" Dean yelled from downstairs and I sighed.

"You know your brother's have horrible timing." I said trying to lighten up the situation. Dylan was really tense and I put my hand on his cheek.

"It's okay Dylan." He kissed my lips again before getting up.

"I'll be back soon okay." I nodded and followed him as he left the room but unfortunately he was out the door before I could catch up with him.

"Son of a bitch." I mumbled.

"Something wrong?" I jumped at the sound of Dean's voice and quickly turned around.

"Jesus Dean you scared the shit out of me." He looked down at the ground and crossed his arms.

"Sorry" He mumbled making me feel bad.

"It's fine. Are you hungry?" He snapped his head up and I took that as a yes. "Why don't you go in the room and watch T.V. I make us some breakfast."

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