Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Dylan's POV

I was in total rage mode and all I saw was red as Duke drove the car to our suspects house.

"Dylan, are you listening to me?" I looked over at my friend and partner and saw concern written on his face.

"What?" I asked. His words were muffled by the sounds of rage that were in my head.

"I said you have to calm down. I don't need you going in and pounding the bastards face in before we even have a chance to take him in." I rolled my eyes.

"Pounding his face in will be the least of his worries when I'm finished with him."

"That's exactly what I need. Listen man, I know she's your girl but you got to think  about this like it was another job." Duke said casually as he continued to drive down the road.

"You're kidding me right? Duke, this isn't another job this is about my Riley. You don't have a girl like Riley. You go around and do your thing, but until you find someone who's as important to you as Riley is to me then I suggest you keep your damn mouth shut before I end up shutting it for you." When I finished yelling I was out of breath and my face was hot and red.

There's was a beat of silence before Duke started to talk. "I'm sorry. I know Riley is important to you, and you're right, I should just keep my mouth shut. I just don't want you to screw up because that girl needs you right now and if you're not there then she won't pull through." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I don't know what to do, Duke. She's the most important thing that has ever happened to me and if I lose her then . . . I don't know."

"You'll be fine Dylan because she will pull through. That girl is going to pull through and you are going to do whatever normal couples do." I rolled my eyes.

"You know this chick flick moment is great and all but I think we should get going." I said and pointed to the hotel where Blaine Daniels was staying.

I was about to get out but Duke stopped me.

"No rampage. I mean it."

"Whatever, can we just go?" He sighed and we both got out and quickly made our way to the lobby of the hotel.

The lobby was empty. Duke and I made it to the desk and I hit the bell which demanded service. "It's quiet here." Duke said and I agreed.

"You getting a bad vibe?" I asked and continued to look around. When the door behind the desk swung open revealing a man in a suit with a smile plastered on his face.

"Nothing bad going on here sir, just a slow day for the hotel. Can I help you?" Duke and I pulled out our badges and I watched as the man's eyes widened. "Is there a problem detectives?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Should there be?" I asked and he sighed.

"Listen, I swear I haven't touched the stuff since I've gotten out of prison and on probation." I looked at Duke and grinned.

"Well, that's great, but we're not here for you." Duke said and pulled out the picture of Daniels. He slid it across the desk and showed it to the receptionist. "Is this man staying here?" Duke asked and the receptionist picked it up.

"The hotel has a strict policy on confidentiality."

"Did you not see the badge, we don't give a rats as about your strict policy. Now you either tell us if he's here or we call your probation officer and get your ass sent back in jail."

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