Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Riley's POV

I was tired. So very tired. Who would of thought that shoveling horse poo would be so tiring, but I guess it's a lot better than selling your body for rent money.

But as I was saying before, I was tired, and it wasn't from shoveling horse poo it was from the man who was in the house talking and drinking lemonade while I worked my butt off. Not that I was complaining but if the man made me tired he had to come out and help at least right.

"Stupid police officer, and his stupid handsomeness." I mumbled as I shoveled yet another pile of shit into the wheel barrel.

"I'm sorry, are you talking about me?" I heard a sexy voice say and when I turned around I saw the one and only Dylan Barkley.

"No sir, I was talking about the other officer." Oh dear Lord I was lying he was the only cop I would think about this way. He was wearing his uniform of course and it clung to his body in all the right places. Yummy! He looked good enough to eat.

He took off his sunglasses and stuck them in the front of his shirt. "I think your lying." He said huskily making my panties going instantly wet.

"And why is that?" I asked trying to sound strong but I was failing.

Dylan walked over to me and ran his fingers through my hair and gently leaned his head in to kiss my neck in the sensitive spot.

I dropped the shovel I was using and I gripped my hands in his hair. Screw being strong.

Dylan moved up to my ear and whispered huskily, "Because I can do that." I let out a giggle. Two can play at that game.

I flipped my hair away from my face and slowly drew my hand down to the bulge in his pants. I gently squeezed making him moan. "And I can do that." I moved away from him and heard him sighed.

"I guess we're even." I looked up at his smirking face.

"Not even close baby." I said with a laugh.

"Hey, I came out to tell you that I'm headed off to work." I checked out him in his uniform.

"I got that. Have a good day."

"Thanks, you need anything, call." He said with a wink before leaving me alone in the barn. Was it wrong that I missed him already?

I shook my head, what was with me lately?

I sighed, these are the times I wished my mom was here to give me answers, but for now I was on my own.


Dylan's POV

I couldn't get her out of my head even after an hour of paper work. It wasn't just the thought of her either, it was her smell, the taste of her kiss, the sound of her laugh. Everything!

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. Was I always going to feel this way?

"Dude!" Duke called and walked into my office holding papers in his hand.

"What do you got for me Duke?"

"Well I checked in on that apartment right? Mess everywhere, but no finger prints. Which is odd because people from that area are always stupid enough to leave finger prints, right? Anyway I check into it more and there was no force entry which mean-"

"Someone had a key to get in."

"Maybe your girl is playing you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"She was with me the whole entire night." That made him smirk and me roll my eyes.

"The entire night, huh?"

"Yeah I took her out to dinner and when I saw her apartmen trashed like that I took her home with me." He looked like he was going to say something but I stopped him. "Nothing happened."

He chuckled. "So who is this girl?"

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "No one you know."

"Dude, we no everyone in this town, who is it?" I looked away and he clicked his tongue as he said, "It's that girl! The one you had in the back of your cop car! The hooker!"

"Don't talk about her like that!" I yelled making him flinch.

"Sorry, it's just wow! I mean I never thought of you as settling down." I looked at him like he was growing two heads.

"What do you mean "settling down?" I asked confused.

"Well you would never take a girl out to dinner, usual a bar where you get them really drunk, give them the time of their lives, and then away you go to the next girl who has an attraction to you. But this girl, there's something about her, am I right?" I scowled at him but nodded.

"Yeah, man." I leaned my elbos against my desk and rubbed my face. "She's different, and beautiful, but I'm worried about this whole breaking in thing." Duke gave me a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We will figure it out, dude. I'm going to go check some things out, you just worry about not screwing up." I rolled my eyes as he walked away.

Duke was my best man, he would help me figure these things out, but for now, like he said, I had to worry about not screwing up with Riley. She was just something I knew I couldn't give up.

If my dad was here right now he would be giving me the same advice as Duke.

I looked out my window at the blue sky. "I miss ya dad."

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