Out For Lunch

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"Wow Mom, this place looks great!" It was bigger than our old shop back in Minnesota.

The front of the shop was impressive, made up of milk chocolate woods and cream tiles. One of the things I liked about this shop was the homey old vibes coming from it. The whole town was far off from modern. I was standing in front of the cash register, taking in the place. The display cases were clear and shining, just begging us to fill them up with fruity, chocolate-chip, icing covered sweets. My hands were just itching for some type of action.

But all in due time.

Behind the counter our traditional black chalk boards hung properly, maybe we should get one for outside. On the right and left side of the shop were wooden chairs and tables for our future costumers. Knowing Mom she would want to make a little terrace out front as a token of our last shop.

"I got the chalks!" Maddy ran up to me with all the sticks of chalk in her hands. I distinctly remember them being in boxes. Well, I didn't have any problem with her playing with them, though she most likely took them out to try and be helpful. I took my twizzlers out of the bag I was still holding and set it down on the counter.

"Put it on this," She stood on her tip toes and let them roll off onto the bag. Red, green, blue and white puffed around her hands as she tried clapping them off. I waved my hand in front of my face and laughed lightly. "Okay Maddy, how about this: you go to the kitchen so you can wash your hands, then come back and I'll give you some twizzlers." I patted the bag. 

She smiled then ran through the little swinging door at the end of the counter and through the door to the kitchen. The entrance to the kitchen was bare, I actually had an idea on what we could do to cover it up. I knew that Mom and Dad wanted me to spaz up the place a little. Add something artsy to the comfortable atmosphere. Since the appliances and such were ready to go all that's left to us to do is make this place look presentable.

"Hey Sis!" Dylan shouted. I followed his voice to the right end on the shop were, unlike the rest of the walls, was a blank white. He was standing proudly in front of it with a cheesy smile on his face at my obvious confusion. When I didn't say anything he explained, "Mom asked them ahead of time to take the wood down so you could make a mural for the shop."

I felt the tears coming but held them back, it was moments like this when I remembered that my family will always look out for me. Whether it was a lime cupcake with the words 'we love you' written in icing, random hugs or just an encouraging smile, they were there and always would be.

I stared at the blank wall, seeing all the possibilities flicker before my eyes like a movie.

Yeah, I thought, This is going to be good.

"So, what do you think?" Dylan slipped in next to me, stretching his arm around my shoulders.

"I think I'm going to need more supplies."

"I'm on top of the world!" Taylor shouted loudly.

"Me too! I'm on top of the world too!" Tyler excitedly. Thuds were heard repeatedly after his words.

Dylan turned me towards their direction and saw Taylor with her eyes closed, arms over her head. Tyler was bouncing up and down on a little  round wooden platform stage I hadn't noticed before. When the heck did that get there?

"Mom?" I called out after starring at it for a minute. She and Dad were still in the back checking out the storage.

"Hmm?" She hummed back. I heard her and Dad coming so I turned around to look at them expectantly. I looked at them to the stage about three times before she got it. "Oh! The previous owner used to have little talent shows for the kids around the area. We thought maybe we could keep it going to promote the shop."

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