Do You See What I See?

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Dedicating this chapter to Dready, my friend in rl. Keep reading the steamy stuff girl!

One more week til graduation!!

Please Enjoy


"You look..." Miranda trailed off, unsure of what to say. I'm sure she was commenting on how I must look right now. We were currently in fifth period, trigonometry.

"You look like a truck hit you and then used your body as a speed bump just to not be wasteful." Lorelai wasn't so hesitant to say. I was glad we shared this class together, mainly because Miranda helped us through every problem, but I really didn't want them seeing me like this. When I woke up in the morning I knew questions were going to be flying my way, and normally I would have complained happily. But that was it: I didn't know what the hell to say.

What do you say when you've touch a dead animal, and not with an innocent poke. What do you say when a dark and handsome stranger sneaks up on you talking crazy then licks blood off your fingers shortly after?

There's just nothing to say to weird shit like that. Sunday I was in auto mode, in fact anything that might have happened after my, supposed, calming walk in the woods was drawing up a blank. Hell, I barely remembered getting dropped off this morning. Did I eat lunch? Was I a zombie in gym?

Just, nothing.

Lorelai was waiting for an answer and I was still trying to think of one. An idea popped into my head and I leaned in closed as if I were telling a secret. They leaned in too in reflex.

"I watched the news this morning and heard this terrible story," I paused to add a little suspense. "Its, today's," I put a hand to my mouth to hide my smile and pretended i was choking on the words.

"What is it Renee?" Lorelai's voice was quiet. I had to say it now or else I was going to ruin it all by laughing too early.

"Its Monday," After I finally got it out I couldn't hold the laughter. Miranda joined me and we laughed even harder at Lorelai's sour face. In the middle of it all my heart felt lighter. Being able to laugh so easily was refreshing and having people to laugh with made all the bad things disappear temporarily.

"Oh ha ha," she said dryly, though she couldn't suppress her smile.

"Ladies, back to work please," Mrs.Cass asked lightly. I groaned loudly in answer, she smiled and moved to a student calling for help.

"I can't do this. My head can't comprehend anything further than measuring cups and shading pencils." I rested my head on my desk, looking at the seven, out of fifteen, problems we had done.

"Renee I'm sure you can handle math just fine. You cook," Lorelai pointed out. I snorted at that. Yeah, like I needed to know what sin over hyp was equal to to understand how many cups of sugar should be added to cake batter.

"Listen, I use this thing called the guess and hope method when it comes to the mathematical side to education. It actually works very well."

Lorelai glared at me playfully." I see you've got jokes today."

Miranda perked up in her seat slightly, looking as if she made up her mind about something. I watched curiously as she opened her mouth, blushed, and closed it. Miranda blushing was a sight to see. Since her milky skin was a blank canvas she turned to a color close to Lorelai's hair.

Lorelai was watching now too with a raised brow. Miranda noticed the absence of our bickering and looked up. Then down and back up again.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm acute nerd," she empathized the fact that she used the angle. Lorelai and I were laughing all over again. She blushed again but held her head high with new found pride from making us laugh.

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