Anarchy Bunny

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Chapter 3!

Mid-terms are a pain in my behind. Its like wake up early in the morning, have two test that are like 200 points each and then just go home a crowded bus.

ANYWAY please enjoy!


"Sorry Sis," Dylan shook his head. "Didn't bring any money with me."

I pouted still looking at the bunny. I would've slept with it every night and we could've been the best lovers. But alas, I hadn't brought any money either.

"C'mon then," I muttered walking in the opposite direction of the bunny. We only made it a few steps when I cast a longing look at it, just hanging there wanting me. I forced myself to keep walking though, I mean it could probably be there tomorrow right?

Dylan and I arrived only a few minutes ago with Mom's car. Since getting kicked out of the house in a new town didn't really leave us with much options, we decided to go ahead and check out the carnival. It took some time finding and luckily we didn't have to stop to ask for directions and leave Dylan's pride in tact.

 By the time we were parking I was able to see how huge the carnival actually was. There were quite a few rides that stretched out towards the sky. I made a mental note to stay away from those. The colorful lights added to the light atmosphere surrounding it, everyone was clearly having a good time and I found myself smiling every now and then. But it didn't last long when people started noticing me.

A few months back I grew my hair out, dying it for an extra touch. I wanted a new look and since we were moving it seemed like a sign.

But I knew what they were actually staring at.

My eyes.

In my defense I was born this way. And how weird would my eyes look compared to the people who pranced around with cat eye contacts? You'd be surprised at how many people actually do that. I couldn't help the glares I sent to some people.

Believe it or not I have always been sensitive about them.

'Which you shouldn't. They make you look awesome.'

It gives away my weirdness, and I like people finding out my way.

 'Pretty sure the purple hair gives it away.'

Point to you Rere. 

But back to the problem at hand. We were stuck at a carnival. With no money. Just to add, there was no way either of us could go home unless we wanted to go blind.

I opened my mouth to tell Dylan just that but when I turned around the space he had been standing was empty. I just stared for a bit thinking about all the ways I could make him pay for leaving me like this. I mean it wasn't like we were back home where I could walk home or get a ride from the many townsfolk we knew.

I was plotting about tying Dylan to a chair with nothing but boxers on and peanut butter under his feet, his ultimate ticklish spot, for the dogs to lick at it while I made him watch as I snapped his Call of Duty games when someone tapped me on the shoulders.

I whirled around, had already out to smack his shoulder. "I can't believe you just lef-OW! What the cheese cake!?" I hissed waving my hand back and forth. Did I just hit a freaking wall?

The wall laughed at me while I continued waving my hand. When my hand went numb I looked up to glare at this wall guy who was diffidently not my brother.

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