Don't Feed the Wolves

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First chapter! Whoop whoop!! I would just like to point out that this story does not have pre-destined mates. This is just more of that Their-Meant-To-Be-Together feel type book. You know, like any other non-werewolf related book/tv show. ALSO there is A LOT more supernatural beings involved here. Like mermaids and Were-achnids...

This chapter is dedicated to Jinx_Mage for being my first comment! THANKS SO MUCH!!

 Roses-By Meg & Dia------>




I was so lost.

How can I explain how I got here? Not that I have any clue where I am.

My first thought was my idiot brother playing another prank on me. Like that time I thought I was a step ahead of him tip-toed around our plastic mat with those ridiculous little nubs at the bottom, that actually turned out to hurt like hell. After that obstacle I looked up too late to see him push me down onto my butt. On the mat. And the kicker? He got his two friends to slap my ass as hard as they could that same day.

My cheeks have yet to be avenged.

Though, taking in the scene in front of me I started to doubt he was behind this. Only slightly.

I was standing somewhere in the woods. And from the view I would say that I was on a higher level of a mountain. A little beyond a few trees was a huge glistening lake. It was breath taking. From the little light coming from horizon I would bet the sun was just beginning to rise. I looked around me, trying to find anything helpful and saw to my right a bed of white roses, swaying with a gentle breeze. Pretty, but useless.

With nothing else to look at I finally decide to look down at myself. I was a little confused at what I saw.

I was wearing an orange strapless gown. From the waist down the dress was a slight puff of mesh covering my bare feet. Its not my style but you know, cute is cute. Now why would I be wearing this out in the middle of no where? 

Oh duh!

This must be a dream! Any minute now Captain Jack Sparrow will step from behind one of these trees, say something about there being no rum, and whisk me away to the Black Pearl for a life threatening adventure...

Wait, that's not right. If it was Jack Sparrow I'm sure I would be in some sort of Victorian get up.

I looked down at the dress again, twisting around to get a better look. Hmm..This could be considered a ball gown.

Screw it.

I looked to the sky throwing my hands up and shouted, "Take me Johnny Depp!"

I waited for a long minute before I let out a long breath, dropping rather ungracefully to the ground. Why couldn't I be a lucid dreamer? I smiled thinking of the possibilities.

"You shouldn't do that you know."

I looked over my shoulder to see a dark figure emerge from the trees. Now I expected a lot more, but my Aunt Sarah? This dream really took a turn in the wrong direction.

"Aunt Sarah?" She looked like her usual self. Blonde sun bleached hair that stopped at her shoulders. She was about an inch taller than me, which wasn't saying much since I was only 5'6. In her mid thirties she still looked like a young college student ready for her daily run. Aunt Sarah was one of those women who managed to look girly with an in shape figure. She wasn't wearing a dress like me but had on a plain grey sweater and sweat pants. Maybe some people couldn't tell by looking at her, but she didn't take crap from anybody. And right now her green eyes were freaking me out. They were looking right at me, but I had a weird feeling she wasn't seeing me." What shouldn't I do?"

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