Chapter 1

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"Stop it!!" I managed to get out between giggles, the sheets tangled between us.

"But I love when your angry" Franta smirked, throwing one of the couches pillows aside.

After a minute of him tickling me I got the strength to sit up and wrap my arms around his neck. He set his head on my shoulder. "I missed this" he murmured and kissed me lightly on the nose.

"I know babe.. I know..." I whispered, the flashbacks were now overwhelming me and I couldnt stand it.

"Stop it" He ordered. His eyes spoke for himself but I wasnt looking at him. When I looked up his eyes whimpered in pain, knowing what I was thinking. "I dont need you to be hurt again"

I pushed out an "Im fine" before hugging him again.


He ordered our pizza and seated us himself. I followed reluctantly, knowing we were supposed to wait for a waitress or waiter. Bickering me to stop worrying, Connor pulled out a seat for me.

"Ill just have a water." I told the waiter, feeling awkward because Connor wouldnt take his eyes off me.

"I will have the same," he added on, still looking at me. When i decided to look back he gestured towards the waiter in a thank you.

I started to daze and his hands covered mine in an instant.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I repeated without thought. After all we have been through.. do I still love him? Did I ever? He has helped me a lot..

"Why are you regretting it now?"

"I-" I started. How does he always know. My eyes must be a big give away because its whenever I look straight at him. "Im not."

He chuckled a little and started to draw circles on my hands and cracked my knuckles. When the food came he put a piece of pizza on a small plate and pushed it my way. I started to eat but instantly felt sick. I went to the bathroom rushingly but tried to stay calm.

I puked.

The other night I had puked.. Connor suggested it was because of food poisoning.

I rinsed it out of my hair and washed it out with the bathroom soap. It still stunk. Ew. I grimaced at the vomit almost clogging the toilet before flushing it.

My fingers trembled as I texted Connor.

"Can we get the food to-go?"

"Sure" he replied

"I'm not feeling well"

"Oh babe. :(
Ill get the car, meet me outside in 5."

"Ok ty baby" I texted before locking my phone and dropping it in my purse.

I trudged out of the bathroom attempting to look more like a human rather than a zombie {cliché word choice} but I didn't think it was working. My hair was still dripping wet and kids were glancing at me. I looked horrible. I started to run but then I slowed down, not wanting Connor to see me like this. I pulled my hoodie over my head and stepped into the car.

"Awh baby are you okay?" He asked after he sat down.

"I dont want you to see me like this."

But being the stubborn boy he is, he wrapped his arm around me and then moved his jacket about my shoulders.

"Im fine.. really" I insisted.

He didnt reply.

We sat silently until getting to his apartment. I had to beg him to not take me to the O2L house.

When we got inside I instantly took a shower. Towards the end he walked into the bathroom, taking off his shirt, teasing me.


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