Chapter 6

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"Connor I dont need to see ANY doctors!!" I tugged my arm away from his grasp.

"Payton listen to me. You've puked 3 times this week and you dont seem to have a cold or fever! What if you have bullimia or something?"

"Bullimia is self oriented, I would have to be wanting to. I dont. IM FINE." I insisted

"We still need to find out whats wrong." He continued, still not letting me out from his hands.

he sighed in frustration. "Fine lets get some lunch"

We stopped at a Steak N Shake on the way to the hospital.

"Just a shake, please." I ordered after Connor got a burger and fries.

"What kind?" the cashier asked.

"Hmmm" I looked up at the choices while Connors arms wrapped around me.


"Okay your order will be ready in a few minutes.

"Thank you." Connor spoke for us.

We ate casually and walked further towards the pearl white building.

Thanks for reading & please please please vote ! :)

Hang in ThereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora