Chapter 21: I have no words

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Kiara's POV

I don't have much to say. I become a worry wreck when it comes to Rebecca. She scares me and I guess that's what she want, right? She wanted me to be under her so she can have Carlos all to herself. Pushing me under and letting her raise even higher. She's so talented, but I know I gotta be strong. I love Carlos, and that's what I'm going to do. I'm gotta win this!! 

I went to go find Carlos, wondering where in the world he could be. I searched the dorms. The field. Then the forest, there I found him sitting by himself with a little of some sort. 

"Hey Carlos" I said as I stroll towards him, I need to win this. I also don't want to hurt Rebecca, she wants him too. I can't choose. But I need to keep him away from as long as possible. 

He walked up to me, with this gift I said before. "This is for you." I raised an eyebrow in confusion. why a gift now, and why out of the blue? "Why out of the blue Carlos? Are you okay? " I asked. He nodded. I opened it, seeing a beautiful gift. It's a photo album of everything we did together with the rest of the gang. I was so happy that I couldn't hid e the smile that crept onto my face. 

3rd Person POV 

He was happy that it turned out the way he wanted. Now it was time for the next part of his plan. He breathed in. And then he said something that brought colours to her eyes. She agreed to have him for the rest of her life and they lives happily ever after, well maybe if they can avoid Rebecca. 


Hello, I'm sorry that I haven't finished this book yet. But here you go, the last and very last chapter of this book. Why? Because, I'm very sorry to say this but I can not continue this story anymore. I don't know how to continue it because I don't know what else to write. So this will be officially  the last chapter for this book. I hope you enjoyed it to the end!! And thank you for reading up to this far, i thought I'll only have a few people reading this, but I guess not!! 


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