Chapter 16: Truth or dare, Part 2

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Evie POV 

Game on! Mal smirked and picked a dare card up. Looked at it, and frowned. As much as I hate to say this, but I got an idea! I know it's doesn't make sence, but I jumped on Mal. You know, I saw it on the card. Sneaky, I know. Well, M pretty much didn't see it coming. I'm like a ninja in blue. Hooeeeyaaaaa!!!!! 

" E!!!!! Did you looked at the card??? " Mal asked, while trying to get me off her back 

" ehhh, no, I mean maybe???? Umm, uhhh. Alright, yes. " I sighed, she got me. 

" well, someone is turning into a ninja. A blue ninja " Mal smirked as I jumped off of her 

Everyone nodded. 

" HOOOOOEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! " I did a flying kick, but landed on my bed, face first in my pillow.

I laughed, and so did everyone else. 

But the laughter soon ended, when the door flew opens. In came Fairy Godmother. 

" children, have you set everything up yet for the Neon Lights Ball?? " Fairy Godmother asked, with a raised eyebrow and hands on hips. 

I haven't seen Fairy Godmother in this stance before? I thought. Meh, probably Jane has. Oh, well. But it's nice to see her bad side sometimes. We all have a good andddd bad side. Right? 

" ehh, we only finished decorating Ms Fairy Godmother " Lonnie answered 

" oh my, well you should finish setting it up, the Neon Lights Ball is on next Friday. Please don't be late! " and with a biippppity booity boo, she's gone. 

" well, we should go back setting it up guys " Jane said, packing our game up and putting it back on the shelf. 

Everyone nodded, and heading out. But I can't wait for making dresses and suits for everyone. I squealed silently. 

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