chapter 3

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*time skip to the beginning of the guest area* (Chara's POV)

After getting past the Twin Chefs in the Kitchen, we were in a large room where gears were turning.

"I see something," I spoke. I saw a ladder and climbed it. "You guys need to look at this." Asriel, Six and Seven climbed up the ladder. When they came outside, we all saw the warm sun hitting the ocean. All this time, we were used to seeing the darkness so we had to cover our eyes for a little bit.

"So this is what sunshine feels like," Six sighed. Seven also nodded. For 5 minutes or so, it looked like Seven and Six were in some trance.

"Are you guys ok?" Asriel asked.

"It's just that we've been imprisoned in here for years," Six teared up.

"We're finally seeing and feeling the warmth of sunshine," Seven said as he and Six softly cried. Asriel and I hugged our friends as they cried tears of joy and disbelief. 

"What?" I asked out loud. I saw a cruise ship with people walking from it and into the Maw. "You guys have to see this."

"Who are they?" Asriel asked.

"Dunno," Six replied. "But sadly, our adventure isn't over." Six jumped over to the chain hanging from the ship and started climbing it. We followed her.

Upon entering the very same ship that we tried escaping from, we saw that there were extremely obese humans (more or less) that were walking into the Maw. We noticed that the Geisha was watching over all of the guests. What was she doing?

After entering the dining area, we saw one of the people stuffing his face with meat. So fucking gross!

"Don't these guys know about moderation and finesse?" Asriel asked.

"Apperently not," Seven replied.

"How did you guys end up in this prison?" I asked. "You don't have to answer me if you don't feel comfortable talking about it."

"I don't wanna talk about it," Seven spoke in a soft tone. 

"Me neither," Six agreed as they kept walking through the dining area.

*time skip to the beginning of the Lady's Quarters. Sorry, im just lazy sometimes*

After evading the hoards of guests who tried eating us, we came across an elevator that took us to the Lady's quarters. It was small, yet it looked pretty good. There was velvet red carpets on the ground. Books were neatly stacked on various shelves and paintings were hung on the walls. Not a bad living space.

"I hear something," Six spoke. "Everybody, be quiet." She had heard the Lady humming to herself. "We have to be really careful now. We're entering the belly of the beast." We all kept quiet and walked slowly up the stairs. We then saw the Lady grooming her hair in front of a broken mirror. The Janitor told us that she got sick looking in the mirror. "Stay quiet and make as little noise as possible."

We quietly but quickly snuck past the Lady. We proceded to stay quiet until Asriel broke a pot.

"Dammit Asriel!" I shouted in a quiet tone.

"At least I found a key," Asriel replied in an agitated tone. I told Asriel to hide under the bed. He did and we expected the Lady to come in the room. But after 5 minutes, the Lady didn't come. How suspicious.

"This way," Seven said as he and Six led us to the first floor of the Lady's Quarters. Asriel grabbed the keys and went with us. He opened the locked door that lead us to an incredibly obscure room. Then the door slammed shut.

"Who was that?" Asriel spoke in a nervous tone.

"Dude," I added in a scared tone, "was that a ghost? I'm getting scared, man."

"No time to be scared," Six sighed. "We've come too far to give up." We kept walking until Asriel saw the Lady coming for us.

"Hooooooooooly shit!" Asriel spoke as his voice shook with fear. "RUN BITCH! RUUUUN!" We all started running as fast we all possibly could. But I lost control of my footing and fell. I immediately got up and started running, but I was out of breath. As the Lady came closer to me, all hope was lost until something crazy happened.

Escaping the Maw. Little Nightmares and Undertale crossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora