❞Look, the prince's coming.❞ Someone whispered and everyone turned around. Prince Jaebum walked in hand with Youngjae, both of them now in a clean clothes without any other bleeding wounds. 

❞Mr. Youngjae, look! It's me, Jooeun!❞ A little girl with long dark brown hair braided into a braid shouted happily, ran to him and wrapped his arms around his belly. Youngjae squatted down next to her so she could give him a proper hug. She was dressed very simply, a white shirt was tucked into long brown striped skirt, she had a white apron wrapped around her waist and she wore a really heavy old brown boots.

❞Of course it's you, Jooeunie.❞ he smiled and stood up, still holding her hand. ❞look, how beautiful you look. Almost like a princess.❞      

❞My old friends!❞ prince Jaebum laughed and was quickly pulled by them into a hug.

❞Prince Jaebum, you're a man again. I just, I can't believe it.❞ the teapot, now only Jinyi, said with her voice shaking and prince Jaebum kissed her forehead. Not sure why, but he's always have taken them as his family and not his servaint. Without them, he would never became a person he is.

❞Prince, there's an older woman and we-❞

❞Granny.❞ Youngjae whispered and immediately ran to his grandma and carefully pulled her closer to his hug. He started to cry and so did she. "Their relationship is really special." Jaebum mumbled quietly. He excused himself from everyone and went slowly to them, in the middle of the square was standing him well-known woman Hyeyoung with long black dresses and long dark brown hair falling almost to her waist. She noticed her looking at Youngjae and his grandma, but he wasn't sure why. She looked somewhat relieved, but also very sad and upset. Suddenly, their gazes have met and she weakly smiled at him and mouthed "Thank you" before she disappeared in the shadow.

❞I'm so proud of you, my dear boy.❞ she said and Youngjae grabbed his hand between his.

❞I thought I won't see you again, granny.❞ he mumbled.

❞Oh, there he is.❞ his grandma said and smiled at prince Jaebum, who's walking towards them. He bowed deeply down as a greeting and wrapped his arm around Youngjae's waist.

❞I'm pleasured to finally meet you, Mrs. Choi.❞ he said and she patted his shoulder.

❞You can just call me granny, dear prince. I'm pleased to see you after a long time.❞ she smiled at him and bowed down.


They invited everyone on the ball. All people from village celebrated the appereance of prince and admired how Youngjae's fearless and brave. Jaebum made sure everyone's okay - he personally checked every food coming from the kitchen, decorations in the hall, music and all instruments, and he didn't forget to dance with kids as well. Youngjae had his lips curved into a smile when he's been looking at him from the balcony. He had to change his clothes for today and dressed into royal colours - he felt different and somehow really special in it. He walked down the stairs and Jaebum waited for him, offering him his hand and walked with him on the dance floor.

❞Thank you for making this for everyone, Jaebum. It means a lot to me.❞ Youngjae said as he wrapped his arms around prince Jaebum's neck.

❞People deserves the love and respect and no matter what happens, they should know they got a support in us.❞ he explained.

❞Us?❞ Youngjae was a bit surprised, so stopped dancing for a moment and Jaebum took the opportunity and grabbed his hand between his. He smiled, when he noticed how perfectly made their hands for each other. 

❞I don't want to spend any other day without you, Choi Youngjae.❞  he said, causing Youngjae to start blushing.

❞O-oh well, I-❞ he stammered quietly, and Jaebum had to bite his lower lip to calm down and doesn't let himself fall for his cute side in this serious moment. 

❞Marry me, Youngjae.❞

Prince Jaebum said after a few seconds of silence, and grabbed his chin to made him look at him. 

Marry me, please.❞ he repeated again and wanted to see his reaction. Youngjae only smiled and no matter how hard he tried to hide his red cheeks, he failed. Jaebum found that really adorable about him - he couldn't lie and his face always shows what he's feeling at the moment.

❞Okay.❞ Youngjae whispered with a smile and Jaebum deeply sighed, before he pulled a velvet box with a ring inside. He opened it and Youngjae's eyes started to water. He's never seen more beautiful ring and when Jaebum gently grabbed his hand to put an engagement ring on his finger, Youngjae couldn't help but stare at it until Jaebum disrrupted him with pulling him close by his waist.

❞Please just say something.❞ Jaebum sighed and let Youngjae rested his forehead against his.

Youngjae took a deep breath, before he said: 

❞I can't wait to be yours, prince Jaebum.❞ 

And with a smile still on his face, he slightly rubbed his lips against Jaebum's, but then he ran a hand through his hair, pulling him closer and deepen the kiss between them. 

Jaebum chuckled at his reaction and kissed him.

Again and again. 


If you've come down here (1527 words, somebody better stop me!!!), I just want to thank you. Thanks for your amazing support to this story, for all comments and votes, for your kind messages and for giving me a strength to continue when I sometimes want to stop writing.

You're all amazing and I'm so glad to have you, guys. Without you, I'd be nowhere.

Btw. I may or may not have an idea for a sequel so you better prepare of it. Just saying.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I love you guys & thank you so much again !!!

With love, your evil author

- Dominika ♡ 

beauty and the beast • 2jaeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora