Claustrophobia (Newt)

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      The first thing that the dark haired, blue and green eyed girl with all the right curves in all the right placed felt, was cold. (She'd got Heterochromia Iridum, its where she had 2 different colored eyes, one blue, one green. Her eyes are the picture above) She felt cold, felt it pressed against her back and her arms. She lifted her head a little, noting that she had a pair of black jean shorts and a lighter grey tank top on. The next thing she felt was the feeling of rapidly moving upwards, and then she sits up, standing up a moment afterward.

      She swayed a little on her feet and the braced her hand on the metal wall beside her to steady herself. She looked around frantically, quickly realizing that there was no way out and panic started to set in, along with confusion and irritation, but it was mostly panic. She felt in build up in her chest and she felt a weight, like she was being sat on and she found it hard to breathe all of the sudden.

       A pressure built up in her chest and she felt as if her lungs were shrinking and her throat was constricting and starting to close, and then the metal box she had been in stopped, although she didn't really notice as she was half bet over with her hands on her knees. trying to get her breath back, seeming to have nearly lost it completely.

       A bright light came from above, but she was busy trying to figure out how to breathe again, now not getting any into her body at all. She vaguely heard shouts of concern as she felt the blood start to drain from her cheeks.

"Shanks, her lips are turning blue!"

        She heard from above and felt someone jump down, felt the weight drop into the box, and she felt herself shrink away a little as they took a step closer, gasping for air, desperately trying to force it into her lungs to no avail. "Hey, love, look over here. Look at me." She glanced over at him and held his stare as she was told, hoping that he could help her breathe again. She'd take anything at this point. 

         He looked down at her lips in concern, as her condition got worse. "Okay, breathe with me, okay? In through the nose, out from the mouth. You're okay, alright? You're safe now. Breathe, in through the nose." He soothed softly, and he took a step closer, raising his arms a little to make a breathe inmotion, and the same as he breathed out through his mouth. She followed his example, hastily breathing in through her nose and out from her lips as calmly as she could,  deciding to trust this man.

 In, out. In, out.

          And after a couple minutes, after she could breathe and after color had returned to her face, for reasons that she thought were pretty self explanatory, she smiled real wide and she suddenly pulled the dirty blonde haired, warm eyed guy to herself for a hug. "Newt," He whispered into her hair after a moment of realizing that she was hugging him, wrapping his arms around her as well. 

       "Uh, I'd tell you my name, but, I don't, remember it?"

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