Eddie Kaspbrak ;
You were Richie Tozier's twin sister. It had its ups and its downs. It did mean though, that you actually got to talk and get to know your crush from a very young age. You had met Eddie through your brother and you two had quickly become friends.
"So, (y/n), do you have a crush on anyone?" Your brother Richie asked wish a smirk, knowing full well who you liked. You hadn't wanted to tell him but he had kept pestering you about knowing. He could tell it was someone in the group but he hadn't thought it would be Eddie.
Anyways, you were at a small diner in the middle of town that you all went to sometimes. You were sitting in a booth with Eddie and Bill across from you and Beverly on your side closest to the window. "Oh well, that's a secret," You told your brother with sarcasm in your voice.
"I want to know too!" Eddie said and slipped into the seat next to you. You shrugged your shoulders, trying not to give any signs about who it was.
"Do we know him?" Beverly asked, again she knew exactly who it was. You had told her, but only since she begged and begged for you to tell her, also she was your best friend. "Yep.." You exasperated and suddenly started slouching and you rested your head on your hand.
"Let's not pry, she would tell us if she wanted us to know, but why would she. We would probably tease her all the tome," Eddie told them and shrugged his shoulders, looking down at his lap. "Yeah, we would, wouldn't we," Richie said with a smirk.

Stanley Uris ;
    You loved the forest, and the park, and anywhere where there was nature. It was one of your favorite things. You were currently sitting with your back against a tree, just looking around calmly at the nature to be found there. It was so peaceful and away from everyone.
Your calm thoughts were suddenly interrupted when you heard a bunch of cheerful shouting. You decided to investigate.
Walking slowly towards where you had heard it, it started to get louder. You finally got to the end of the land and looked down and saw a bunch of kids your age. You thought they were all boys until you saw one of them was wearing a bra, so that was probably the only girl. You saw someone look up and then quickly darted the other way.
The next day, you were walking through town with one of your friends, just looking around and enjoying the day. You heard someone yell for you behind you.
You and your friend both turned around and saw a boy with curly hair who looked kind of familiar running towards you. You raised an eyebrow in surprise and you and you friend looked at each other for a couple seconds before looking back. When he got closer to you, he bent over and he gasped for breath.
"Um, hi? Who are you?" Your friend asked him, rather snobbishly. "I'm.... I'm Stan.." He said gasping for breath, how long had he been running after you? Stan straightened up and looked at you, to which you raised an eyebrow.
"I saw you yesterday, at the quarry... Me and my friends were swimming. I saw you before we got there but didn't stop and then I saw you again when you looked over the edge and I just wanted to know who you were," He let out in a single breath. "Um, well I'm (y/n).." You said slightly unsure.
You finally saw a couple of boys sticking their head out of an alley a few yards down the street and you finally realized. "You're friends don't know how to hide very well," You told him and he turned around to look at them. He blushed and turned back. "They wanted to to finally come talk to you..." He muttered almost to himself.
"Come on, (y/n), let's get a move on," Your friend said and rolled her eyes at Stan. "You go ahead, I want to talk to him," You told her to which she rolled her eyes and stalked away. "Well she seems rude..." Stan mumbled and you nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. I'm not exactly sure why I'm still friends with her," You told him and shook your head.
"So, who are your friends?" You asked him and he blushed a little more. "Would you like to meet them?" He asked and scratched the back of his neck, a bit awkwardly. "Yeah, sure. It'd be nice to have some actual friends for once," You told him and you both started to walk to where they were standing in the alley.

Mike Hanlon ;
    You were riding bikes with the rest of the Losers, the people you call friends. Just hanging out, having a fairly good time just riding along, not really paying attention. That was until you all got to a spot and saw a bike and Henry Bower's car. "Is that..?" You started to say. "We should see what's going on," Beverly said and you all stopped where you were and dropped your bikes, well everyone but Stan. He actually pushed his kickstand out.
You shook your head at him as you all ran down to see what was going on. You saw a black kid that you thought you had seen maybe once or twice. This infuriated you.
Henry Bowers had said things before about how he would beat up any black kid that got in his way, which obviously made you so mad.
"What the fuck is going on here?" You yelled and pushed to the front of the group. The boy was on the ground with Henry standing over him and his goons behind him. "What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled and clenched my fists. "Leave assholes, this is none of your business!" Henry called from his side of the creek. "Well it's my damn business now!" I yelled and grabbed a rock from my feet.
"What the hell are you doing, kid?" Henry asked and furrowed his eyebrows. I hurled the rock directly at his head, but he ducked a little too late and it hit the side of his forehead.
That's when all the Losers and Henry's gang started hurling rocks at each other. The kid scrambled over to where we were and I stopped throwing rocks to help him. I got him out of the path of the rocks and up the small hill we had just come down from. I looked back and saw the others had it handed to I checked the boy over.
"My names Mike," He struggled to say, clutching his stomach where he had been kicked. "I'm (y/n)," You told him and looked up at him from where you were kneeling to look to see if he was badly injured. The rest of the Losers slowly came back.
"Thank you guys, really," Mike said and shook his head. "It's no big dead, he does that to us to," You told him and shrugged. "Well I don't think he should," Mike said, continuing to look at you. "I don't think he should either but it's not like he's going to stop," You told him and the others agreed. "I don't think it's right..." Mike said again as you finished finding his wounds.
After a while, you helped Mike and then eventually you all went your separate ways, but before that Mike pulled you aside. "I'll see you, right?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, of course," You agreed with a small twinkle in your eye.

Ben Hanscom ;
    You were in the library, like normal. You had nothing better to do. You didn't really have that good of friends, you were mostly by yourself but that's how you liked it. You liked the solitude, you like being able to get your work done by yourself. It got done quicker then it would if you had a partner, but of course all of your teachers assigned you partners for almost everything and you were almost always alone, which looked kind of depressing but you didn't mind.
Your mind kept wondering off to different things, different people, just not focusing on the book you were suppose to be reading. So, eventually, you shut it and looked around.
You were sat in the corner of the library so you had a good view of everyone that was there. You saw a boy you had never seen before. Was he new? You didn't really know. You knew a lot of people, but they didn't really know you.
You wanted to go walk over to him but you were too shy for that. You looked down at your book and were about to start reading again when a shadow cast on your book. You looked up at what had caused it and saw the boy from before standing there.
"Hi," He said to you. "Um.. Hi?" You said, more like a question. People didn't normally come and talk to you. "I was just wondering if you new where I could find these books?" He asked you. "Um.. Yeah, okay...?" You inquired, wanting to know his name. "Ben," He said with a small smile that made your heartbeat rise. "I'm (y/n)," You told him. "Yeah, I know, we're in English together," Ben said and looked down at his feet. "Oh!" You said, you hadn't noticed him before.
"Yeah, I can show you where the books are, what are you looking for?"

// wow i hope that didn't suck. i hope you liked it.//

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