One ~ The new arrival

Start from the beginning

When the search was done, she opened the big black door and pushes into a soft looking foam inflated room?

How else could I explain it?

As I fall onto the soft foam behind me, she gives me a small sarcastic smile and her eyes widen softly.

"Enjoy your stay... fool"

The door slams shut and I run over to it, looking through the small dirty window that I could hardly even see through.

I couldn't see anyone else in the hallways, or even in the other window of the door opposite me.

"Fuck" I mumble and still search for somebody else.

Somebody else like me.

I suddenly feel a weird presence.

As if someone else is here.

As I turn my head slowly to my right, there was a big window.

Massive window with another person in it.

He was sitting in the corner not saying a word and anyway I don't think he could me hear me anyway.

He was slowly rocking back and forth, banging on the foam harshly every time.

I hope I don't turn out like that.

I slowly crawl towards the window and tap.

I wanted his attention and hopefully he notices me.

I tap again.

I could see his head slowly turn.

His eyelashes softly fluttering as he stares straight into my eyes.

He looks straight at me and runs up to the window, slamming his hands on the window in front of me, looking shocked and slightly happy at the same time.

I step back from the window, startled and slightly bewildered, placing my hands on the foam behind me.

He didn't open his mouth, he didn't move he just stared.

Stared at me.

It was strange

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It was strange.

He wore normal clothes and looked clean and healthy.

His skin was was so beautiful.

Are you allowed to do that here?

I slowly step back towards the window and I put my hand on the window of where his handprint was.

He puts it back and mouths to me.

I wasn't sure what he was saying at first so I just shook my head in confusion.

I'm pretty sure he said...

"My name is jungkook".

I mouth back "my name is uen kyung".

Hopefully he got my name and didn't think it was something completely different.

He smirks and puts both hands on the glass again.

I smile back and put my hands where his hands are and mimic him.

He mouths again.

"I am glad to see another person here."

I got exactly what he says and I nod and smile again.

Suddenly I hear a massive bang on his side of his room, it echoed through to my side too.

It was that loud.

"JUNGKOOK! TIME FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT!" A shriek came from the other side.

I gasp as he looks at me, looking scared as he scurried off into his corner and proceeds to panic and cover his face.

I could see his fear and I wanted to help somehow, but this glass isnt doing any good for any of us.

I watch as he gets dragged away by two men, who looked through the window at me and grinned widely.

Is this what my life is going to be... for the rest of my life?

Just A Fool || JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now