Chapter 7 - Your Soul Can Die

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**AN: Please note this chapter is more sexually explicit than previous ones. Enjoy ;-).

Chapter 7 – Your Soul Can Die

The tan wolf standing between Jonas and he shifted into Tobalt. Cooper couldn’t help but smile. “Run!” Tobalt shouted, “For the forest, run!” Cooper stood up and ran, he penetrated the forest and kept running. When Tobalt says run, he means run. Slowing down, Cooper’s mind caught up to him. Tobalt was back there alone, Cooper thought. The worry started to seep in and he sat down on a stump. That was really Tobalt, and he was here, there was something in there Cooper could be happy about.

            But beyond that, Jonas was back too, his spirit wandering the plain hunting Cooper.  Standing up he looked behind him, the forest seemed a little less dense as he continued Stepping into a familiar clearing he reached forward and touched the ironwork of the fence. He was at the graveyard. Entering the old graveyard, he quickly noticed that he was all-alone. Soraya was gone. 


Bay Tree, Virginia – The Lagoon – Four Months Earlier

(...Between Chapters 1 and 2 of  The Blue Sheep, Vol. 1)

            “I am sick and tired of these games,” Gregson scratched his mustache and put his hands on his waist. He stood in a peach colored polo, khaki’s and Birkenstocks. He looked very much like a dad. The mossy green damp grass and the Spanish moss hung from nearby trees. The moon lit up the lagoon creating almost a beautiful scene were it not for the bloody naked body in the middle of the group. No one acknowledged the body, which struggled with breath.

            Around the body stood Damian Lowehn tall and tight with a three-day beard growing in slowly. Next to him was Davie, Cooper’s older brother, a meathead hulk with bulging muscles with bleached buzz haircut and a caveman like jaw. Some other wolves were present, standing around.

            “Boy,” Damian shouted at Davie. “Come here, with the stuff.”

            “I was just at my father's funeral today. I can’t handle this shit.” Davie sniffled looking at the body on the ground.

            “We hired you for a simple task. Drive to D.C. get a package and bring it back here. Now, fucking do it.” Damian barked. There were a few other wolves around and they all looked at the body.

            “Fine, you can have it,” Davie held the box out for Damian. “Now, tell me…who killed my father?”

            “That comes later,” Damian looked at the box. It was a wooden one with beautiful carving in its side. “Now go give that to the man over there.” Davie started walking. He hated this, more than he would ever show. His father died, his brother was in town, and his mother was worried sick. Everyone dealt with death in his or her own way, this was how he wanted to deal with it. Danger, life-threatening situations, everything brought him closer to

            Stepping over the body he recognized it, it was a guy he knew in middle school. He paused staring at the guy, he was in pain. He used to be so handsome, now he looked like he was right out of a horror movie. “What did you do to Bobby,” Davie asked looking up at Gregson. 

            Gregson grabbed the box and opened it smiling, “the key to the fairy fountain – just what I wanted.” A smile crept onto his face. “Oh Bobby, well, I had him suck me off…then I sucked him, all the blood. I got a little frisky. Plus, he wasn’t as dedicated or well big as I like my boys.” Gregson closed the box. It was small enough to slide in his pocket. With a lightning fast move he clutched Davie’s arm.

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