Chapter 35: Pregnant...

Start from the beginning

Agreeing with my subconscious,  I took a deep breath as they both looked at me expectantly.

I open my mouth to say the words that I want to tell them, but the doorbell beat me to it. I guess we will be telling them together, which is good.

Josh stood up to get it and as soon as we heard the door open, I heard Josh called us.

We both stood up and there stood Niall, Greg, Aunt Maura, and Uncle Bob. I smiled widely as mom's jaw dropped. I stood beside Niall, we let them in and let them all sit on the couch.

"Mom, remember you asked me who I'm here with" I said starting the conversation, mom nodded. Me and Niall sat beside each other, across from them. They look between Niall and me. Niall's holding my hand from behind as he squeezed it.

"Well, I'm with Niall and... he's my boyfriend" I said and all eyes turn to Niall.

"Don't worry Auntie, I love your daughter" he said as I smiled at him.

We both looked at their expressions to see that their all smiling, happy even, like they've known that we both will end up together. But mom didn't looked too happy, like she knows that there's something else we need to tell her--- even though there's none--- Niall linked both of our hands together in front of us and he rest them on his lap, making me blush.

"I knew it!" Greg breaked the silence as he high-five with Josh, I looked at them confused. "Destiny,  there's a lot of things I need to tell you about Niall when you were still young" he said as I chuckle, I looked at Niall and sure enough his face is as red as a strawberry.

Mom didn't say anything yet, like she's thinking something, I want her to speak. Niall is also looking at her, nervously.  Why isn't mom talking?

When mom talked, I regret wanting her to speak.

"Destiny..." she said looking at me and Niall, everyone went silent. "Are you... A-are you pregnant? " she asked carefully, making me widen my eyes. Aunt Maura gasp as she walked near Mom with Uncle Bob.

Both me and Niall are frozen, speechless. I was about to say something when Aunt Maura beat me to it, I gotta be honest their faces are priceless!

"Are you?" Aunt Maura asked, I open my mouth again but now, Josh beat me to it.

What's wrong with people and interrupting me?

"I'm gonna be an uncle" he mutters, I looked at Niall for help and saw him smirking.

"I'm n-"

"I'm gonna be uncle!" Greg shouted


"Niall" I whine, and he stopped chuckling. I glare at him and give him a look that says, tell-them-now-please

"Guys, guys, guys!" Niall said and he successfully got their attention. Its funny that when they assumed that I'm pregnant, they weren't mad at all, they're even joyous.

Niall put an arm around my shoulder and said, "Destiny is pregnant, and I'm the father" my eyes widen at this, I elbow Niall at the ribs making him get his arm around my shoulder.

I looked at all of them and they all gasp, mom and Aunt Maura even hae tears of joy.

"Guys" I called out and I finally got their attention. "Guys, I'm not pregnant" I groan and they stopped.

"I'm not pregnant.  Niall is just my boyfriend" I glare at Niall and he raised his hand in surrender.

"So... I'm not gonna be an uncle?" Josh asked and I shook my head.

"No, Josh. I'm not pregnant,  and you're not gonna be an uncle" I said

I'm sitting beside Niall so I heard him mumble, "Yet" I can't help but blush.

"Why did you even assume that I'm pregnant? " I tilt my head to side and asked my mom.

"Well, Niall is your boyfriend. And you're in the right age" Mom shrugged like its nothing.

"But you two really need to give us grandchildren" Aunt Maura said making me blush,  I buried my head to my hands to hide my face--- which I'm sure is now red as an apple.

"And Theo needs a playmate" Greg added, I felt Niall's hand snake its way to my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"She's blushing! " Josh said as I glared at him.

"I'm not" I denied.

"You are"


"In denial" he sing song, I can't help but laugh at that, he's voice sounds like a girl.

"Where's Theo by the way?" Niall asked, changing the topic and I'm glad he did.

"Oh, Theo is with Denise." he said, apparently he was just visting Aunt Maura when Niall arrived at their house, so Denise and Theo are in their house.

"When did Niall asked you to be his girl?" Josh asked.

"Actually, its been 3 weeks now. Sorry if we haven't told you about it, we just wanted to surprised you" I explained they nodded.

"Good to know that my brother here finally got the guts to tell you how he feel" Greg said winking at Niall, making him groan.

Me on the other hand, don't understand what Greg means. Niall told me that he had feelings for me since we were young, but that's it. Whatever it is, its making me so curious and I'm gonna talk with Greg later.






I went to the kitchen and saw Josh, the others are all in the living room so I decided to drink.

"Hey" he greeted and I nodded.

"Josh, can you do me a favor?" I asked, as I went near him

"Shoot" he said smirking.

"Please don't tell Niall, whatever you want to tell him. I know it's about--" I didn't got a chance to finish when I heard another voice, making me groan and Josh smirk.

"Not tell me what?"

Oh no.


I promised you guys that I'll update today, so here it is! I'll try to double update, but I'm not uet sure though...

What do you think about tnis chapter? please share your thoughts,  I wanna know :3

Did you like the pregnant part?

Please check out these stories:
"My Runaway Bride" by myhappyhoran
"The NEIGHBORS" by myhappyhoran (Completed)
"Promises" by myhappyhoran
"Clueless" by myhappyhoran
"Catch Me" by myhappyhoran
"Sorry I'm not what you wanted" by yadontknowme56
"Chaos" by harrytwerkology
"Deep Secrets" by pixiedustyles
"Army" by hemmotions

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