Chapter 10: Letter

Start from the beginning

Rick places his hands on his hips, “How you know that?”

“She blames herself for her brother goin missin, she ain’t gonna stop lookin cause she thinks it’s her fault he’s gone.  Even if she’s only lookin for a dead body she won’t stop.”

“Did she tell you this?” Maggie placed the letter back down on the table, her arms crossing over her chest, “What happened that she blames herself?”

Daryl hated the baited breath and inquisitive looks that followed Maggie’s questions.  Their boring eyes made Daryl’s skin crawl as he continued to pace back and forth.  “You’re gonna have to ask her.”

“We have asked her,” Carol stated, “She won’t tell us.”

Daryl rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes glued to the concrete beneath his feet, “I made a promise, ya’ll aren’t even supposed to know she told me.”

Daryl flinched as Carol gently rested her hand on his forearm, “Tell her,” she smiled without teeth, “She’ll take it better from you.”

A rush of emotion surged through Daryl as he picked up the letter and exited the lunch room.  Carol’s quiet words ringed in his ears, was her statement true?  Daryl gnawed on his bottom lip and tried to calm his mind.  The entrance to Cell Block C came into view and made his heart begin to pound in his ears.  A curse word slithered from his lips and his fist collided with a nearby wall.  The letter crumbled in his clenched hand the words spinning through his mind.

 “Um, you okay?”  Arden’s silvery voice caused a shiver to run down Daryl’s spine.  His arms dropped to his side, back to the female who watched with a curious gaze.  “If you and the wall are going to fight I’d put money on the wall.”

 “Don’t be a smart ass,” Daryl growled, unable to handle her pleasant mood that would soon be ruined.

 “Yeah well don’t be an ass,” she quipped, leaning back against the bars which signified the entrance the cell block, “What’s that?”  Her eyes zeroed in on the piece of paper held tightly in Daryl’s hand.

 Daryl remained silent, his eyes flicking between the ground and Arden.  She was happy today.  No, happy was too strong maybe ‘okay’ was a better word.  Her hair was up in a ponytail and her lips were tinted with chapstick she recently found on a run.  Brown eyes shimmered with awareness.  Daryl could tell that today she saw him, truly saw him and everything else around her.  Most days her eyes were void as if she were trying to see through a fog, but not today.

“It’s for you,” Daryl held out the letter while his eyes stayed on the concrete.

Arden stared at the paper as if it were a foreign object.  Her eyes focused on Daryl, his downcast eyes the way he uncomfortably shifted his weight from one foot to the other.  Déjà vu overtook her.  Jackson High School, eleventh grade.  Lucas Barnes had walked up to her in the hallway, his hands stuffed in his hoodie and his eyes looking everywhere but her.  Her name had come out as a stutter before he shoved a piece of paper into her hands.  Arden could clearly remember reading over the poorly written love letter and feeling an intense need to vomit. 

 Arden took a small step backwards, her heart pumping furiously in her chest.  Don’t be stupid, she thought, Like Daryl would write you a love letter- the guy doesn’t even like you.  Despite her attempt at rational thought her pulse was still racing and palms becoming sweaty.  “What is it?”

“Just,” Daryl flicked his wrist, “Take it.”

She did as she was told.  Shaky fingers unraveled the paper praying to God that this wasn’t some sort of weird love confession.  It wasn’t.  Arden’s bottom hit the ground hard as the whole word slipped away.  “Alive,” she muttered, grasping onto the bars and trying to pull herself up.

“Arden,” Daryl rushed to her side and helped her up.  Despite his continuous calling of her name her eyes remained glazed and unfocused.  His fingers felt her warm skin quivering and becoming coated in sweat.

 “Alive,” she repeated.  Her eyes blinked rapidly as if trying to sweep the shock away.  With a rush the world came flooding back and she felt Daryl’s grasp on her arm.  “I’m going,” she whispered, yanking her arm away from Daryl, “Now, right now, I’m going to the tracks.”

Hershel was right.  She was running off, blindly chasing a vanishing dream.  Her obsession was controlling her actions, or so Daryl thought.  “Are you coming with me?”

Her question made Daryl raise an eyebrow and lean in to her.  “’Cuse me?”

 Arden’s lungs were burning and her head began pulsating.  She sank back down the ground, placing her head between her knees and taking deep breaths.  “Matt’s alive,” she breathed, “I have to get to him but I can’t do it alone.”  Her hands slammed into the ground.  “I hate it but I need help with this, I need your help okay so are you gonna come or not?”

“Anyone could help ya,” Daryl muttered, averting his gaze from the broken down girl, “Glenn, Rick, Maggie- not like ya need my help.”

Arden rubbed her face against her jeans, “Matt’s alive,” she repeated and scratched her nails into the concrete, unable to shake this terrifying rush that was making its way through her, “He found a camp and he’s safe.”

 Daryl could tell that her words weren’t meant for him.  Her mind was drifting and Daryl knew he would never get an explanation for why it had to be him.  Why the girl who hated asking for help was willing to request his assistance.  Daryl shook his head and walked past Arden, leaving her behind to wallow in shock and self-pity.  Each step caused a strange feeling to erupt in his chest.  Regret?  Remorse?  A pang of moral value screaming at him to pick up the pieces of the shattered girl he left sitting behind a row of bars. 

Daryl retraced his steps, stopping in front of Arden who was still sitting on the ground and muttering to herself, the letter held in her hand.  The sight made him feel ill.  It would be easier to walk away, especially since dealing with emotions had never been Daryl’s specialty.  Instead Daryl scooped Arden up and carried her into her cell.  He awkwardly placed her on her bed unsure of himself through the entire process but as he exited the cell that horrible and unknown feeling was replaced with something else.  The male wasn’t sure what but whatever it was made his thoughts circle around Arden.  The weary girl with shimmering eyes who now lay stuck in her own twisted insanity.


Author's Note:  What do you guys think of the letter?  Do you think Arden will find Matt at the tracks?  What about her asking Daryl for help?  Thanks to everyone who has commented and voted on this story- I truly appreciate the feedback.  Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!  Also...any thoughts on the new cover?

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