~||Chapter 9||~

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If killing the Red Bandit was as easy to take on like his idiot goonies, Thomas might have a chance.

He came to the end of the hall, where a large door stood. It was half-cracked, showing a sliver of the interior. From the little peak he had, Thomas could tell it was a big red fancy room. Opening the door slowly, he peeped his head in and looked around. The room seemed empty. Taking few steps inside, he heard a gun cocking behind him. Spinning around, he came face to face with the Red Bandit.

To say the least, he wasn't prepared for what he saw. "Todd?" He choked, his eyes widening with disbelief. The Red Bandit's lip curled up into a devilish grin. "Why hello Sheriff, what can I do for you today?" He cooed, showing his white canines. Thomas' throat went dry, as Todd circled him, his gun still up in the air.

"How- Why?" Thomas choked, his eyes stinging with tears. The man he loved was a killer - a monster. Todd tilted his head, letting out a soft purr. "Why?" He chuckled, shaking his head side to side. "I think the better question is why not~" He purred, licking his chapped lips. He stood at the front of the room, standing in the pool of sunlight. The sun's rays draped over him, giving him a godly look. If they weren't in such a bad situation, Thomas would've lost himself in Todd's eyes.

"I have to hand it to you Thomas, if it wasn't for such a rude awakening you gave me, I would've never gone back to what I was best at." He chuckled, shaking his head. Thomas let out a low growl, his heart beginning to break in his chest. "I trusted you..." He whispered, tearing up. Todd's lip curled up in a bitter smile, as he came close to Tom. "As did I.. But it turns out that trusting others gets you nowhere." He mumbled staring down at Thomas.

Taking a deep breath, he took a step towards Todd, causing the man to shift. "Don't move, or else I'll shoot!" He snarled, expecting Thomas to stop, however, Thomas seemed unphased by what Todd was saying stopping inches in front of him. "Shoot me." He muttered, his voice cracking. His blue eyes stared straight into Todd's eyes, no fear in his eyes.

Todd was breathless - lost in the blue ocean that was held in Tom's eye. And just like that, everything came crashing down onto him. His heart churned, practically ripping in two. He studied Thomas for a moment, holding his gun to Thomas' chest, his breath becoming shaky. He found himself unable to pull the trigger as he backed up. "Thomas-..."

"No Todd, pull the trigger." He choked, looking into his eyes with a pleading look. "Because I don't want to live a life without you." He hissed, clenching his fist. He was choking on tears, looking away from Todd as he lowered his head down. Todd took in a breath, cupping Thomas' cheek. "Thomas- I, don't cry..." He grumbled, looking away. Thomas hiccuped and shuddered before he was forced to make eye contact with Todd. Todd stared deep into his eyes, running his fingers through his hair. His eyes softened, as he tilted his head gently. "I love you."


"I said, I love you." Todd paused, contemplating his next actions before speaking again. "I don't know why, but I just do... The moment I looked into your blue eyes, I found myself lost. You were so... I don't know, angelic? Pure? Perfect? You made me see the good in the world - Your heart was pure gold. I found myself trapped in your gaze, my heart belonged to you. It just happened, it was so... .sudden." He sighed, looking down embarrassed. "You made me want to be that better person, to feel, to be sensitive... To care, and to love. You made me want to be good." He whispered, pressing his forehead against Thomas'. The sheriff began to tear up, his mouth slightly parted as he choked on tears. "Todd, I- Run away with me."

"What?" Todd froze, looking at Thomas' confused. "I said, run away with me. Let's go to England, we can leave everything here behind. We can be together - On the same side. We can restart our lives, and live for the better." He cried, clinging onto his bandit. Todd teared up, almost saying yes until their sweet moment was ruined by the sounds of angry townsfolk outside. "Thomas- I can't." He spoke in a low voice, looking Thomas in the eyes.

The sheriff looked defeated, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Todd, no we can make through this- We can-"

"Thomas, I said no." Todd spat, tears forming in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he looked to the ground. "I'm not going to let you throw your life away because of me..." He mumbled under his breath, wincing at a thought that formed in his head. "Todd, no, I won't leave you."

"You must." Todd barked, straightening his posture. Thomas shrunk back, whimpering slightly. Raising up Thomas' arm, he made him grip the pistol. "Shoot me." He ordered, looking Thomas' in the eyes.

The blue-eyed man seemed mortified, opening his mouth to argue. "It's the only way, Thomas... I'm going to die tonight, there's no denying that... But if I'm gonna die, I want you to be the one to kill me." He whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Please, I'm begging you." He whispered, wiping away Thomas' tears. Thomas swallowed the bitterness in his throat, whimpering as Todd went on his knees. Cocking the gun, he aimed for Todd's heart.

Placing his hands behind his head, Todd gave Thomas' a genuine smile, tears rolling down his cheek. 

"I love you, Thomas."




"I love you too, Todd."

The End

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