~||Chapter 1||~

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||Spitbucket, USA||

Todd smiled smugly to himself, his finger tracing over the spare key of the jail cells. Just in case he got caught.

Todd was considered to be the most-wanted man in America, but the thing was... No one knew his name besides his partners Paulo and Patrick(boom, game changer), therefore he went by the alias of "Red".

One because it was favorite color he always wore - and two, he split pools of blood wherever he went.

He was in the miserable town to Spitbucket because he had heard that the daughter of a wealthy man had gone into hiding here. Todd's plan was to kidnap the girl and hold her for a high ransom. He had a good handful of people who fit the caricature of who he was looking for.

Cleaning a glass, he brewed up some coffee and poured it into the cup before heading back upstairs. The Sheriff was laid back on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling. Todd had to admit... He was a handsome man. It would be a pity if he had to kill him if Thomas decided to interfere with his plans... But, if Todd didn't spare any pretty ladies in the past, he wouldn't spare the handsome sheriff.

"Sheriff? I got you coffee." He cooed gently, holding out the mug while he looked at the sheriff innocently. The man only gave him a crept out look, glaring at the mug before taking a slight sip. "Oh relax, I didn't poison ya or anything. Then who'd protect me?" He chuckled, shaking his head as he walked out of the room. He held back a laugh hearing the sheriff course out loud. He had to admit, the sheriff was easily annoyed which made him fun to pick at.

Todd had a feeling he was going to enjoy Thomas very very much, perhaps he'd even kidnap him as well except this one he'd keep. Probably brainwash and torture him to serving him. That is... If he still liked him by the time he progressed. If not, the sheriff could live to see another day assuming he'd stay out of Todd's way like a good little boy.

Time could only tell.


Todd wiped down the table, humming a tune to himself. He glanced up seeing the doors open. He couldn't help but feel a fluttery sensation in his gut. "Sheriff? How can I help you so early?"

"Mm. Get me a beer please."

"Aren't you on duty?"

Thomas shrugged, taking off his hat. "With a job like this, I need something to dull down the stress."

The bartender purred in amusement, filling a glass halfway full. "Not too much though, we can't have you tipsy on the job, no?" He flashed a smile, sliding the glass over to Thomas.

He let out an irritated sigh, rubbing his forehead. "What are you, my mother?" Todd sat up, acting offended.

"Why I never. Mister, I'm only looking out for your well being." He lowered his head, making puppy-dog eyes. Thomas let out a grunt of amusement. "Eyes like that don't work on me..." He murmured raising his glass to his lips. He glanced briefly at the bartender to take a second look at his eyes.

They were a beautiful silver, the rims laced with a stunning ice blue. The sheriff had to admit, those were some pretty eyes. "Say, I never got your full name Sheriff... Thompson?" Todd tilted his head, reading the badge on Thomas' coat. He looked down as his badge, before shrugging it off. "Name's Thomas J. Thompson, and you are?"

"Todd L. Audet." He grinned, bowing slightly. "Pleasure to meet you, Sheriff."

"Er... The pleasure is mine."

Todd resumed back to cleaning, while Thomas took another gulp at his drink. Setting down the glass, he licked the foam from his upper lip. "Mr. Audet-" Todd quickly whipped around, placing his thumb over Thomas' lips. He jerked back in surprise, a red blush spreading on his face. "Sssh~ Call me Todd." Removing his thumb, he gave a flirtatious wink causing Thompson to furrow his eyebrows as he blushed madly. "Right of course... Todd,"


"Why come to Spitbucket?" Todd placed his hand over his heart, raising an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

"Why come to Spitbucket? You could've gone anywhere, but you choose this hell hole?" Thompson shook his head, letting out a sigh. "I yearn to leave this place... It just don't make any sense(A/N: I am fully away that the correct word for me to use would be "doesn't" but Thomas' accent is what makes it sound that way)." Todd bit his lip, shifting to the side. He could understand where Thomas was coming from.

Todd had been an orphan as a child, tossed around from one house to another until he was settled into a 'stable' home. But the family was far from stable. He was abused and neglected on a daily basis until he finally snapped and slaughtered the household. He still remembered those dark awful nights... He remembered sitting near the only window that was in the basement, praying that someone, somewhere would save him. No one did...

Todd was snapped out of his thoughts, as he felt a warm embrace. He looked up, seeing that the sheriff had moved over the counter to hug him from behind. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry." He spoke, his rough voice soothing Todd's mind. Todd shuddered, pulling away. "No, It's okay... I came to Spitbucket because it seemed small and structured, that's all."

"We may be small, but we're far from structure..." Thomas cracked a smile, in attempts to brighten Todd's mood. It worked, as Todd returned a smile to him. "You do an excellent job retaining any balance that is here." Thomas chuckled, bowing slightly "Thank you, Todd, I do my best." Letting go of the slightly smaller figure, Thomas flashed a winning smile. Todd could've sworn he would've melted into Thomas' arms if he hadn't heard the door opening.

A somewhat small woman stood at the door, her brown curly locks glistening at the light that was in the room. Her forest green eyes twinkled with fury and jealousy. "Sheriff, why are you off duty?" She spat trying to keep a sweet tone, she glared at the bartender with some disgust, before looking at Thomas again.

"Lucille, don't tell me how to run my damn job." Thomas retorted, giving her an annoyed glare. She pouted, crossing her arms. "Stop spending so much time in the bar! I don't even see why you're so interested in HIM. There's nothing even special about him! He's just a bartender!"

Todd flinched, at the comment. It wasn't that the entire thing hurt him, no he could care less what people say. It's just that second sentence that hit him deeply... It was something his drunkard father would say to him if he had gotten a praise from someone. Y'see, Todd wasn't always a lunatic bandit who was thirsty for blood. When he was still innocent, he had dreams, hopes, to become a famous doctor and help the sick. Of course, that idea went down the drain when he... Y'know, disposed of his family.

"At least he takes the time to get to know me, and he just arrived here." Thomas hissed, narrowing his eyes. Lucille looked offended, opening her mouth to speak, but only stormed out of the bar instead.

"You didn't have to defend me, sheriff, I'm quite capable of taking care of myself..." Todd's voice was soft and smooth, looking down at the table to hide his blushing face. Thomas lifted his chin up, giving him a warm smile. 

"I'll always protect you."

A/N: Cliffhanger~!

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