~||Chapter 8||~

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||Spitbucket, USA||

"What do you mean, you want to move to England?" Todd hissed, clenching his fist. He didn't care if everyone was watching - He'd be damned if he allowed Thomas do this to him. "Keep your voice down," Thomas growled in a low-pitch, lowering his head. Todd's eyes narrowed, flickering with fury. He stared down at Thomas, impatiently waiting for a response.

Thomas took in a deep breath, shielding the right side of his face. "Todd, you know I can't stand this place - I need to get out of this place, out of here... Edward promised me a place to stay-"

"Oh did he now?" Todd snapped, folding his arms as he moved his hip to the side. Thomas let out an exaggerated sigh, rubbing the side of his forehead with his palm. "Why can't you be happy for me?" He mumbled, sparking a rage inside of Todd.

Slamming his palm onto the counter, he leaned forward startling Thomas. "You wanna know why I'm pissed?" He growled in a harsh tone, narrowing his eyes. "Because I thought we had something, but the moment some foreigner waltz into town your head over heels. Thomas, I thought you were a man with values and morals, but I guess I was wrong." Breaking eye contact with the sheriff, he looked away. Thomas was shocked, his mouth wide open in shock. "Todd, I-"

"Get out." Todd snapped, narrowing his eyes. God, he felt so humiliated. "Todd-" Thomas protested, giving him a pleading look, a plea for a chance to explain. Todd's face scrunched up in bitter rage. "I SAID GET OUT. NOW." He boomed, slamming his fist on the counter. "Get out before I kick you out." He growled, showing his pearly whites. Thomas took in a breath of regret, before holding his hands up in defeat. "Fine. I'll get out." He muttered, before leaving the Saloon.

Todd let out a sharp breath, before looking at the few patrons in there. "Place's closed hit the road." He hissed, narrowing his eyes. Anyone left in the saloon quickly scrambled out of the Saloon, afraid of what would happen if they pissed off Todd.

When the place was evacuated, Todd closed the doors before storming up to the stairs and to the room he was staying in. Ripping off his fake mustache, he threw off his apron letting it fall onto the ground. Clenching his jaw, he ran his fingers through his hair. He felt like a fool for falling for someone like the sheriff. He was too pure - too good for him. Todd didn't deserve him, he never did. Even if Todd had changed into a more passive and tender man, he could never change the past behind him. He was a cruel and violent man, the deaths of many weighed over him. Looking up at the mirror, he huffed softly. The tears in his eyes quickly dried as all emotions faded from his face.

Love. What a pathetic emotion, a disease, a weakness. Todd would be damned if he let himself weaken. He was practically the Bandit King, the Devil's incarnate - No, he WAS the Devil himself...

And he'd make sure everyone would know what happens when you play with the Devil.

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