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||Spitbucket, USA||

Anyone who knew Thompson knew how much he wants to leave this cursed town. Why he stayed? No one knew.

Perhaps it was because he pitied this town because he was the only sheriff there with no deputy, or maybe it was because his father laid his life on the line to protect this town only to die in a bandit raid.

It wasn't that Thompson didn't have enough money to leave - Oh god no, he earned a good amount of money to move to a busy town, it was simply he didn't want to leave.

The place was hell, bandits being a huge problem. But he couldn't leave, After the death if his father, Thompson felt responsible for finding the bandit that took his life.

So he stayed.


'God this town was miserable, not wonder it was called spit bucket.'

Thompson thought to himself, leaning against the wall outside of the station.

It was a hot day, and the poor sheriff was downright sweating buckets in his trench coat. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead.

He noticed from the corner of his good eyes two dames staring at him giggling. Damn females of this town.

Thomas was considered to be the most desirable bachelor in this town, therefore a lot of girls were all over him. He even had a couple girls offer him their 'innocence'. But Thomas wasn't like most guys.

Despite him looking like the lady's man - He had high morals. He refused to lose his virginity, not until he was married. He's never had his first kiss and wasn't planning on it till his wedding day. Thomas was downright conservative to the core, refusing any type of physical contact with females unless it was absolutely necessary.

He shook his head, looking away. His ear perked when he heard the gravel shift. He huffed softly, looking in the direction of the sound.

There stood an average-sized woman with long curly brown hair. She wore a pink gown that was decorated with lace and ribbons. Lucinda.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" Thomas spoke boldly, trying his very best to hide his annoyance. Lucinda smiled, batting her eyelashes. "Why yes, yes you can." Thomas braced himself for whatever shitty suggestion she was about to make.

"You can help me by settling down with the most desirable bachelorette - me." Lucinda smiled, flashing her pearly whites.

To other men in the town, she was a goddess. Her hair was always smooth and sleek, her body hourglass shaped with the right amount of fat to give her a very desirable shape. Her green eyes twinkled, her red lips smirking.

"Come on Thomas, we're both 10's in this town. We belong together. It's about time you settle down, and you should settle down with me." She grinned, placing her hands on her hips.

God, he hated her.

"As appealing as your offer is Lucille, I can't, I gotta take care of this town."

She frowned, folding her arms. "Fine, but you can't be a hero forever Thompson." She spat bitterly to the Sheriff before walking away, her round hips swaying.

The sheriff shook his head to the side, rubbing his temple. She was such a pain in the ass. The sheriff walked back into the station, starting to cool off.

Making sure no one was looking through the windows, Thompson stripped off his shirt and coat.

Sweat trickled down his bare chest, as Thompson threw his dirty shirt to the side. He dug through his drawers, pulling out a clean black turtleneck. Wiping himself dry with a towel, he slipped on his clean shirt.

Sitting on the desk, he kicked his feet back and drifted off to sleep.

"Daddy, why do you gotta leave so soon?"

"Tommy, someone's gotta take care of this town." The older man chuckled, ruffling his son's hair.

"I'll be back before sun down okay cowboy? Then I'll take you back to the fields and we can catch some geckos."

The small boy smiled, nodding at his father. "Okay, pa!"

"That'a boy. Now I 'be off now, tell ya', mom, I love 'er!" The sheriff grinned, gripping his hat before leaving to town.

His young son waved frantically, eagerly waiting his fathers return.


He never came home.

Thomas opened his sapphire blue eye, letting out a tired grunt. He had slept in for maybe 3 hours.

Looking out the window, it was late afternoon and the sun was sinking down.

Ah, perfect time for a drink. Getting up from his desk, Thompson made his way to the bar.

"Randall, get me a drink-"

Thompson stopped, seeing an unfamiliar face.

The man was about 6'2", sun kissed tan, a cowboy hat with two points, and a fluffy mustache.

"Who are you?"

"Oh..." His heavy southern accent purred, "I'm the new bartender - Todd."

Thomas rolled his eyes, taking a seat. "Whatever, just get me a whiskey."

Todd smiled, grabbing him a shot glass and a whiskey. "Here ya go... Sheriff." He grinned, flashing his pearly white teeth.

The sheriff shrugged it off, taking a sip of his whiskey. He noticed the bartender eye him as he made his rounds, looking at him like he was prey. The looks made Thomas feel uneasy, but he continued drinking anyway.

Before long Thomas was heavily drunk. Slamming money on the counter, Thomas stumbled out of the bar slurring words he couldn't even understand. Then everything went pitch black.


Thompson woke up, seeing the bartender smile warmly at him. "Ah, Sheriff, You're awake!"

"Yeah yeah, where the hell am I?"

"Oh, you're in one of the rooms. I brought ya here myself, ya passed out last night."

"Ah.." Thompson rubbed his forehead, inhaling a deep breath. Wasn't the first time this happened - Except he was usually left out there. "Do I owe ya any money?"

Todd smiled shaking his head, "No sir, ya paid me last night... Do you need anything for breakfast?"

"No thank you..." Thompson grunted, leaning up. He glanced at the bartender who still had a smile but his eyes were like a scolding mother. "Er- Just coffee."

Nodding, he purred sweetly leaving Thompson in the room.

"What a weird fella..."

A/N: Finally finished this chapter 👌 Also, I am finally back home so chapters will be updated more quickly with better grammar <3

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