Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"That's good, because I'd never let anyone call me... Ella, again."

"Well, you're not that. You're a Dani."

"It's just a name."

"Yeah, but it says you're strong willed and strong minded, that you're independent but put everyone else first. It suits you."

"Thanks," I paused and added, "Kane suits you too. Tall, dark, mysterious. But strong and protective."

"That's how you see me?"

"Yeah. Why?" 'Is that a bad thing?'

"Dunno. I guess I didn't think you would."

"Why not? You've stood up to him twice, are over-protective of me and tall, dark, and mysterious."


"About what?"

"What's a mystery about me?"

"Everything. I don't know much about you."

"Ironic since you know more about me than anyone."


"Because whatever you ask I answer. And you care enough to ask."

"What about Dave? Doesn't he ask?"

"He's a guy. We don't care about the past or future, just do what we do on a daily basis."


"What? You look almost sad."

"No, no. I'm just... just thinking."


"What it would be like to be a guy. Then I could forget the past, and move on."

"That's not what I meant. We don't forget it, trust me on that. Its just that we don't discuss it. If it comes up it comes up, but generally, we talk about what's happening now."

"Oh." We were both silent for a moment before he spoke up.

"I wish it were that easy Dani. I really do." And he wrapped his arms around me as we just stood there. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his chest.

"Me too."

{Kane's POV}

Holding her just feels so... right. Like she was made for me. Sometimes we'll walk and her hand will pass by mine and I want to pull her closer, its such a tease. I don't know how she'd react to it though.

'This is how it should be.' That thought keeps going on a loop whenever we're together.

Just the two of us. It's only been two weeks but still, I can't imagine my life without her. She completes it. I never talked to anyone but Dave, and the odd phone call home, but with her it's as natural as breathing.

'Going back on Monday is going to suck.'

'Maybe she'll come with,' I thought with hope before deciding she'd be bored out of her mind sitting in that house all day. 'If only...'

I wish I could take her pain away. I would bare it for her if I could, I don't even know how to help. Other than keeping some distance, physically. She's so strong and independent though. I never would've guessed that she went through that. I thought someone with her past would be weak, or quiet, but she's neither. At least around me.

She said she doesn't talk much to other people, just some of the regulars and Kat and Lily. I'm glad she talks to me. And that she says what she's thinking, rather than 'nothing.'

She lets me in, and it makes me smile just to think about it.

'God, she's beautiful.' I thought as I looked down. Her head on my chest, arms around my waist. 'Like she's meant to be here, just with me.'

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