Chapter Five

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"Hey, uh, Michael. Have you seen Evan around? I kinda... I need to tell him something?" Jared's 'cool kid' persona was gone, and replaced with a nervous boy, looking for his only friend.

"Nah, haven't seen him." Michael slammed his locker, and looked over towards where Jeremy was standing with Christine. He didn't trust her. Especially with that look she had on her face right now.

"-so that's why I'm worried about him. Not that I'm like, gay or anything. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, I just-" Jared got cut off by Michael turning away from him.

"Yeah man, I get it. Good luck dealing with your crush, I've uh, got to go."

"He's not my-!" Jared called after him, but Michael was already heading towards Jeremy. He carefully position himself so that he could hear what was going on, but to where he couldn't be seen.

"-so please. Just listen to me. Michael just, doesn't seem like a good person to trust." She stopped to silence Jeremy before continuing. "Just listen. I feel like he's.. abusing you. Even if is just emotionally, I just... I don't trust him, okay? Please be safe."

"Hey baby!" Michael loudly came up to the two, and put his arm around Jeremy's waist. "Hey Christine."

"I-I've got to go. Don't forget about rehearsal today Jeremy!" Christine rushed off towards her classroom, and Michael turned to Jeremy, giving him a questioning look. Jeremy quickly explained.

"She said, uh, something about not trusting you, you know?" Jeremy nervously laughed. "But uh, I uh, I trust you, and all, so."

"I know sweetheart." Michael kissed Jeremy's lips. "And I'm not mad at you. It's her I'm mad at."


Christine ran over her lines behind the school over and over again. Mr.Reyes had let her be away from the others so she wouldn't get distracted.

"Henry? Henry?" She gasped. "Good heavens!" She looked back at her script, trying to remember the other lines.

"No my dear, I am not Henry. I am Edward Hyde." Christine gasped, turning around. "Geez Michael. Could've said something." She nervously chuckled, clutching her chest. "What uh, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to make Jeremy's life easier." Michael grinned, and hit her over the head with a wrench he'd been holding. Her screams died in her mouth as she fell to the floor.


She woke up to find herself strapped to a metal slab, and with a huge headache. She tried to move, but realized there were big belt straps holding her in place.

"Oh good! You're awake." Michael sat in a chair in front of her, not looking up. He continued to sharpen a small knife, and Christine took the time to look around.

It was a small room, with red paint stains on the concrete floor. Taking a sharp breath, she realized it wasn't paint.

It was blood. So much blood.

She looked to her left and saw what looked like a old meat grinder. To her right was a wall filled with different knives, axes, and every other weapon she could think of, even some she couldn't think of. The only things she didn't see up there were guns, which she thought was kind of weird-

Her thoughts were cut off by a horrible pain in her leg that dragged down. She screamed in pain, but it was soon muffled by a rag stuffed in her mouth.

"Oh hush. You did this to yourself." Michael took the small knife out of her leg. "I mean, you could have just not said anything to Jeremy."

He forced the knife into her arm, and tears poured down her face. She tried to move again, but couldn't.

"Now, I don't normally do this. Normally the deaths are quick, and I'm sorry. This hurts me just as much as you." He pulled the knife down further. Christine gave choked sobs, the pain being too much for her. Michael removed the knife, stepping back a bit.

"You know, I only kill people who want to go. It's a family rule we have. That's how we help people into the next life." Michael turned away from Christine, looking at the weapon wall. "Now, you can make the pain go away, and I can end it all for you. Think of it like... a helpful suicide!" Grabbing his axe, he turned back to her. "But I'll only do it if you say so..." He trailed off.

"So, how about we take you somewhere that's green?" He paused, waiting for a smile or chuckle. He frowned when he got neither. "No? Man, I thought that was a good one. Anyway, do you want to go? Yes or no question. You can just like, nod your head."

Christine forced herself to nod, silently thanking her parents for everything. And for once in her life, she was focused on something.

The axe that hit her square in the throat, slicing her neck clean off clouded her thoughts, until everything ended.

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