Chapter One

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Jeremy didn't really remember what happened after that.

All he knew was that he could hear sirens heading towards the house. He made no effort to clean up the bloody mess surrounding him. He looked down at his plate, and finished the last piece of pork just as the front door broke down. Dozens of officers rushed in.

Jeremy smiled.

It was finally over.


"Come on baby! We're gonna be late for school! Again..." Michael trailed off as he watched Jeremy bolt down his staircase.

"Coming! I'm sorry!" Jeremy tripped on the final step, but luckily fell into his boyfriends arms.

"Man Jeremy, you really fell for me." Michael gave him a smirk as he saw the blush forming on his boyfriends face.

"Michael Mell, stop teasing your boyfriend and get to class!" Mrs. Mell stepped out of the kitchen, followed by her husband. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and she moved closer to him.

"Okay, okay momma." Michael smiled and gave Jeremy a kiss on the lips, before grabbing the lunches his mother had packed for them both. He held Jeremy's hand and ran out the front door, slamming it shut after them.

Mr. Mell let out a sigh before turning towards his wife. "We're almost out of 'pork' for the food truck, sweetheart. We'll need to get some more."

"A-are you suggesting I-I get it, honey?" She asked, wearily.

"No, no, I wouldn't make you do that, baby. I know you don't like to do it." He kissed her lightly on the nose. "Now, about their diner tonight... I was thinking leaving out stuff for pork soup? I'm sure Mikey can find his own 'pork' somewhere."


"Michael, are you sure you want to wait? Play rehearsal is going to take a while..." Micheal just shrugged, adjusting his backpack straps.

"Nah, it's cool. I'll wait."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes, baby, I'll be fine. Don't worry so much." Michael kissed Jeremy and turned to walk towards the back of the school. "You know where I'll be!" He called back.


Michael sat down against the cold bricks lining the school. He grabbed his joint, not even bothering to get out the homework he had.

"Mind if I join you?" Michael looked up to see the other school stoner, Connor Murphy. Michael took a mental note of the bags under his eyes, and how he subconsciously tugged at his sleeves like he was hiding something.

"Sure man, sit." He motioned towards the joint. "Wanna hit?"

Connor gladly took it from him, taking a long and slow breath before letting the smoke out. Handing it back over, he mumbled a small 'Thanks'.

The boys sat in silence, passing the joint back and forth until it was almost gone.

"So..." Michael started, noticing Connors relaxed position. "You... you okay, man?"

Connor rolled his eyes. "Am I ever okay?"

"Well, no, but you seem more..." he trailed off, trying to find the best word. "Tense?"

Connor let out a sigh, looking towards the parking lot. "You know my problems. The dark thoughts are coming back, you know?" He let out a dry chuckle. "Sometimes I just, want it all to end."

Michael let out a soft chuckle to himself. "Dark thoughts? You mean depression right? You want to like... kill yourself?"

Connor rolled his eyes. "It'll go away soon. I just... I don't want my boyfriend to be more stressed than he already is, you know? If he found out." Connor looked off into the distance. "The only reason I'm here right now is because of him..."

"Yeah man. I'm sorry dude. Hey, do you wanna talk about it more? Maybe... tonight?"

Connor glared at him. "Is this a joke, or are you serious?"

"Serious. Look, I know how hard it can be, and... I don't know... I feel like it's better to talk it out, you know?"

"Yeah. Uh. Sure." Connor shrugged, standing up.

"I'll pick up Jeremy and drop him off, then I'll be home. You can just come over. Sound good?"

"Yeah. No yeah, that sounds... good. Thanks Michael. " Connor turned to leave just as Jeremy stepped through the back doors.

"Dude, did you smoke without me?"

"Yeah, 'm sorry baby." Michael sloppily kissed his boyfriend, earning a chuckle.

"It's fine, it's fine. What did Connor want?"

"Oh, nothing sweetheart. We were just talking." Michael grabbed Jeremy's hands, leading him to the car. Michael opened the door for him, before getting in on his side and starting up the car.

"A-are you okay to drive? While um, you're...?"

"High? Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry, I've done it before." Michael leaned over the consul and kissed him again.


"So... are we still on for our date night?" Jeremy asked as he got out of the car. "I mean, it's totally fine if we aren't, I just, wanted to, make sure, and..."

Michael cut him off with a soft chuckle. "Yes, we are still on for tonight. Nothing too fancy, don't worry."

Jeremy closed the car door, waving goodbye. "See you tonight, love!"


Michael eventually pulled up to his house. He quickly turned off the car and headed inside to get everything ready for Connor.

On the counter, his mother had left out a note in the counter, along with a recipe.

Poppa and I are staying late so you and Jeremy can have some time together! ;)

P.S. Your father is getting some pork tonight, but if you want some for dinner tonight you're going to have to get it yourself.

Michael smiled as he read the note. The meat wouldn't be a problem at all.

Pork; A Boyf Riends story (2018)Where stories live. Discover now