Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm new on here and this is my first fanfic I published. Please comment if you liked it :)

Harry Potter stood in front of the mirror and checked his collar for, supposedly, the fifth time this day. His head was flooded with mixed emotions of fear, excitement, and stress. This was the most important day of his adventurous, magical life. And in the midst of his heart, Harry knew that he would regret the end of it and that it would be a memory he would always use when summoning his fearless Patronus during an encounter with the Dementors. Harry checked himself in the huge mirror stuck to the wall in his hotel room one last time and slowly made for the door.

It was Harry Potters marriage today and, taking place in Hogsmeade, it was the best any man could have ever wished for. The marriage took place on the main ally of the village, the banquet being in front of Zonkos itself, piled to the top with a huge variety of food, including: Chocalate Frogs, lots of delicious Butter Beer, chicken, grilled potatoes and many more. The wedding was planned and organized by Hermione Granger and creating it took her two long years of hard work and pleasant satisfaction, when it was finally finished. The people invited counted 30 wizards from Hogwarts, Hagrid, the whole Weasley family (including Fleur Delacour, Audrey Anderson and Angelina Johnson), Draco Malfoy and Astoria Malfoy (invited cruelly by Ron Weasley. "It was just a joke, ok?" he said later after Hermione recognised them in the crowd), and many, many more from either the Ministry of Magic or Ilvermorny in America. Together with Ginny Weasley (soon due to become Ginny Potter) and Harry himself, the wedding counted 124 people in all, this, of course, not counting the two dozens of reporters and interviewers pushing themselves through the guards, reluctantly hired by Hermione, and screaming out millions of questions at a time. It was a big event and wizards in the whole of England discussed it every morning. "Just two days away now," they would say, and sip their morning coffee, reading The Daily Prophet and examining the latest news. But Harry couldn't think of that now. He had a wedding to attend.

Harry and Ginny: WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now