Chapter 8

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I woke up this morning to a fever. Great. No school today.

I called Payton to tell her I wasn't going to school. "Oh, well, feel better soon." I sneezed, then hung up. My mom gave me a quick hug, made sure I had my medicine, and blankets. Then she left for work.

I felt so cold. I shivered. Constantly, I felt my head. Hot. Ew. I felt terrible. I worried. What was going on in school? Was I missing anything important? I worried about myself. Was I going to ever get better? All this swirled in my head. Trapped. Until something showed me everything was going to be fine.

When lunch time came around, someone knocked on the door. "Come in." I said. I sounded terrible. It was Payton's mom. "Oh, you look awful! Are you alright?" I nodded. But I was not alright. I was horrible.

I learned her name. She was Kathy. Nice name. Nice lady. Good combo. Kathy made me some broth. "Where's your mother?" Kathy asked. I managed to say, "work," before I sneezed. She gave me a big cupful of broth. "Do you want me to stay a while?" She asked. Sounded like she wanted to stay. I nodded. It was good to have some company.

When she left, it was quiet. For once, I didn't like it. I turned on the TV. Nothing good. I turned it off. I moaned. Life is great when your sick.

Mom came home early. I was grateful for that. She saw the extra broth in a pot on the stove. "Did someone else come here?" She asked, very curiously and confused. I nodded. "Payton's mom." I felt hot, and dizzy. Then, everything went black. 

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