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Percy was sitting with her mother at work. No, Percy wasn't working, but Sally couldn't leave the 5 year old alone with Gabe.

Gabe was a horrible man. He wasn't so until the marrige was finalized. Before, he was a decent guy, who she wouldn't mind looking after Percy while she was at work. Now, she probably wouldn' t trust him alone with her in the room next door.

Sall finished up her shift and collected a little bit of blue candy for Percy.

"Are we going home mama? Can we stop by the park?" Percy asked as she saw her mom taking her apron off.

"Sure thing princess, let me just clean up real quick." Percy bounced around, her ADHD acting up as she excitedly waited a few more seconds for her mom to finish.

Finally able to leave, Sally chuckled as her little princess ran around the corner, the way to the park already memorised.

Percy ran by an alleyway and heard a soft groan from inside. Her mom was still around the corner, so it probably wouldn't hurt to check what the noise was. 

She turned down the alley to see a strange sight for a city alleyway. It was clean. Completely cleared out. Except for one thing, blood. And the woman who the blood was coming from.

"Are you okay miss? You look hurt."

The woman looked up in surprise. She noticed the small child and gestured for her to leave. Not taking the hint, the child moved closer. Percy was able to see the woman more clearly, and the woman seemed to have brown hair and the woman looked a lot like her mom. Not the same, but similar.

"My mommy is coming, and she can help you!"

The woman responded in a hushed but gentle tone, "Sweetie, I'm fine, why don't you go find your mama. She's probably worried about you, you should be getting home." The woman looked around slowly, as if checking for something, "Promise me you'll go home?"

The little girl hesitantly turned around to check for someone coming. She thought she heard footsteps, but there was no one. Wasn't her mom coming? She wasn't that far behind.

"Can you help me find my mama? She should have been here by now." Percy turned back to the woman to see her getting up slowly, with a hand wrapped around her arm.

"Sure sweetie. What does she look like?" Nat had been planning on waiting in the alley for Clint to come pick her up after his mission, but she couldn't leave the girl alone. She was in disguise anyway, so it probably would be fine. Probably.

"She looks like you! But she has smile lines and curlier hair than you." The girl said. Nat understood the smile lines part, but the woman sounded too similar to her disguise for her liking. 

The girl started running off the way she came, but paused and looked in every alleyway, giving Natasha time to keep up.

The girl stopped suddenly. "What if she's waiting for me at the park? Let's go check." She turned around and bolted, faster than should be humanly possible, and ran back again. 

Nat had to run at her fastest speed to catch up to the little girl, who had stopped and was staring into the retraction alleyway. 

"Mama?" She heard the girl say quietly, "Are you okay?"

Nat got around the corner to see something she had hoped had been false. The woman had been mistaken for her, and had taken a bullet.

She had her train of thought intererupted by the little girl talking. 

"Mama? Mom? Why are you asleep? We were going to the park, remember?" The girl was pushing her mom's shoulder, trying to get her off the ground.

"Hey sweetie?" Natasha said worriedly, "can you come out here and wait while I wake your mom up? I'll tell her you went to the park, and I'll help her catch up." Nat made a mental note to notify someone (probably Clint, he should be there soon) to go pick up the girl. The park was just around the corner, so she could just go over if anything happened. She was trying to think of ways to explain this to the girl, when the girl looked back at her, not moving away from her mom. 

"I'm not leaving my mom. Moma said the only time I should leave her sight is at school, and this isn't school."

Percy was not leaving. She knew her mom was hurt and she wasn't leaving anyone alone and hurt, let alone her mom.

A man burst into the alley way, looking shaken. He looked at the woman on the ground, then looked surprised at Nat, the one on the ground, and back again.

"What?" He said intelegently.

Nat motioned for him to come slightly around the corner with her, and tried to explain the situation best she could.

"So, I was sitting in this alley, waiting for yout to come get me, when this little girl showed up. I tried to get her to leave, but she kept on insisting on helping. I told her to find her mom, and she realized her mom was taking too long to have been behind her, and so she asked me for help. We went down the street looking for the girls mom, but came back and found her here, and I'm pretty sure she was mistaken for me due to my disguise, and now I don't want to leave her alone with her mom's dead body."

Clint took a moment to take that in and peeked in to the little girl sitting by her mom, probably waiting for her to wake up.

"Maybe I could take her in. I have a big enough place."

"I don't know... I mean, are you sure you could, with you-know-what coming."

"I am aware, but we can't just leave her!"

"Why do you think I can't hear you?"

They both turned, suprised that this little girl had snuck up on two master assassins. The girl was looking at them, but still looking at her mom.

Natasha made a bold descision that even shocked her, "If your mom comes in another car, will you come back with us to the base?" she asked the girl.

"My mommy will come with?"

"Sure kid."


"Fury, I want to adopt the child."

How is it? Should I continue?

Widow's Child (Fem Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now