Bows n Arrows + Vampire

Start from the beginning

The tent flap opened, the noise bringing me back to reality. A royal knight walked in and bowed. After we nodded in acceptance, he spoke, "Your Highnesses, your presence is required in King's section at this moment."

All of us froze and stared at him. This was quite surprising, because this is the first time in the past four years that this has ever happened. Our top ranked knights have never lost a battle to any of the suitors who have come to claim our hands in marriage.

I turned to the knight and asked, "Who won? Actually, how many suitors won?"

The knight hesitated, and then replied, "Actually, there is only one person who won, and he doesn't even have a scratch on him."

I was shocked. " Who is this person? Where is he from?"

The knight looked at me nervously and replied, " We do not know. He came in with a helmet made of meshed chains and cloth, covering every single part of his face except for his eyes. We do not know who he is or what he looks like. We cannot question him, because by decree, we are only allowed to question his identity after he has won against one of you."

I was extremely furious, "Stupid decrees and laws! Do any of these white haired idiots think about what they put out for us. I mean they don't have to go through this shit. Jeez, what if he's a demon?"

Giselle looked up and replied softly, "Whoever it is, because of our law, we cannot forbid him to participate. Even if he wins and he is a demon, we have to abide the law and marry him, that is, if he beats whomever he chooses out of us in a fight."

I was so angry that my hands were shaking from my fury. I really hated these stupid laws and decrees. No one should ever have to marry a demon, or let alone be forced to marry anyone to begin with! Hah, whoever this guy was, shouldn't get excited, because all of us were skilled fighters. So what if he had defeated the ranked knights, we could still beat him. Each of us put our silky cape on us and walked outside towards the King's section. The sun was really bright, making my eyes water from the light. I looked around to see the crowd; it was double in size than I had seen it before we were placed in the tent. As we were walking over to the King's section, I saw the suitor that the knight was talking about. He was wearing all black, and did not have an ounce of his skin showing. He was as tall as father, perhaps a few more inches taller. From the way the black material was wrapped around him, it seemed that he was very muscular and defined. His helmet was on him just as the knight had described, and in his right hand, he had a long sword that was unsheathed.

"So, this guy's a sword fighter huh? This is interesting. I may be the top ace archer, but I still have my way with my sword. I will beat this guy so badly, he'll forget his way home" I chuckled and muttered to myself.

He turned and looked at me, as if he had heard that. I quickly looked away, for I did not want to look at that filthy guy, whoever he was. We lined up on the small stage in front of the king. The moment we did that, the crowd hushed into deep silence. For a moment, everything was still. Father got up and started speaking, "My dearest citizens, for the first time in the last seven years, we have finally had one eligible suitor who has showed his prowess and skill in fighting. I was becoming disheartened, because none of these suitors were able to fight of my top ranked knights. This suitor here has given me a glimmer of hope, that one day, I will be able to see all of my daughters married and living happily with eligible men who can protect them." Turning to the suitor, he said, "Dear suitor, please tell us your name."

"My name is Victor, and I am a prince from a kingdom that is far greater than the Kingdom of Water," a velvety voice spoke from beneath the mask.

The crowd gasped at his comment and father raised his hand to silence everyone. There were only two kingdoms that were above the Kingdom of Water: Fire and Light. Angels lived in the Kingdom of Light, and Vampires lived in the Kingdom of Fire.

The suitor turned around to face the crowd and spoke once more, "I will only show my face, and reveal the name of my kingdom, after I have defeated one of these young maidens here."

The suitor turned around and father spoke once more, "Then choose one of my daughters to fight against, and let round three begin."

The suitor walked up to the stage where we were standing. All of my sisters had their heads down as per custom, while I was looking up and staring at the trees behind the crowd. I was so bored of this guy and his big talk. He really thought he was a hot shot didn't he? Man, I wanted this to be over with, so I could to go my backyard waterfall pool and take a nice swim. There was no way in hell he would pick me to fight. From previous experiences, I had known from gossiping maidens that suitors would come from far places in attempts to win my sisters hands in marriage. No one would choose me, because I looked different than all of them. It was as if I was almost adopted. Hah, boy were they stupid. Adopted or not, I loved my parents, and they loved me, despite all the trouble I caused them, so it didn't matter. I must have stared off into space for a while because someone or something held my hand. I looked up to see these neon green eyes through the dark helmet. Oh wow, it couldn't be, this guy wanted to fight me. This was so funny and shocking at the same time that I broke out into laughter. Everyone around me gasped while my sisters chuckled, knowing I would do this.

In between bouts of laughter, I managed to get these words out, "Your death dude, you're going to get your ass kicked."

"We'll see about that beautiful," he said softly.

Oh no he just didn't just call me beautiful. What was he trying to do? Mock me? No one had ever called me beautiful, and when people did, it was just to mock me to say I wasn't as beautiful as my sisters. What the hell did he think he was? Man, now I was furious, I was going to kick his ass big time. I threw off my cape revealing my armor and sword. We walked of towards the center of the arena. The noise level had dropped down to pin drop silence, while the crowds watched eagerly, wondering who would start the fight.

The suitor looked at me and chuckled again. I could see the humor and sarcasm deep in his green eyes. "Ladies first," he muttered softly.

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