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You were grumbling to yourself when you got home as you contemplated on how you snapped on him. He didn't even care! All he did was make that stupid tch sound and leave! The nerve of that guy! "Who needs him anyway, I can entertain myself and give myself attention." You huffed and sat down on the couch preparing the netflix as you had just finish taking a shower. You put on your favorite show and just as you got comfortable your doorbell rings. "Oh who the hell is it?" You got up reluctantly and looked through the peephole to see Itachi. Surprised you opened the door and he was standing there looking sheepish "What are you doing here Itachi?" He didn't respond as he removed his arm from behind his back and presented your favorite flowers to you. Your eyes widen as you took them sniffing them.

"I took into consideration what you said and I realized that I really don't give you attention. So I was hoping that you will give me a second chance?" You looked at him before smiling softly

"Come in and watch tv with me." He gave an inaudible sigh as he smiled gently at you making his way inside.


You kept calling Kisame and he wasn't answering his phone making you worry even more. You decided to go to his house and see if he was home. To your luck and surprise he was home and not at work and how did you know? His car was in the front yard and he always drives his car. You went up to his door and knocked on the door and listened. You heard shuffling and you knew he was in there. You knocked one more time harder insistent on him answering the door. You heard more shuffling towards the door as it was opened and it revealed Kisame looking down at you.

"What do you want Y/N?" You tried not to cringe at the icy tone but you stood your ground

"You didn't let me finish-" He cut you off

"You said what you had to say and I know how you really feel." He went to close the door but you stopped it with you foot making your way inside and shutting the door behind you

"No! She asked me how you looked like and I was honest you look like a shark and you know what happened? She called me back and said why am I dating a shark and I told her that he's my fish he's my shark, she's not dating him and knows nothing about him so therefore she needs to mind her own damn business and she can talk when she actually gets a man and keeps him!" You both stared at each other for a while before he pulled you in for a hug

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions." You sighed hugging him as close as you can

"It's fine, I will always clear up those confusions,"


You were at home counting your own money and seeing how much you would need for the bills, for your savings and how much you can afford to actually buy yourself something and you were coming along just fine until your phone rung. You looked at the caller ID and saw it was Kakuzu and decided to ignore him. A few minutes later your doorbell rang forcing you to get up and see who it was. To your surprise it was Kakuzu and you went to shut the door but he stopped you with his hand.

"Wait." You allowed him to enter as you stared at him waiting for him to speak. "Close your eyes." You rose an eyebrow at him "Please Y/N?" You looked at him before closing your eyes as you felt something cool like a chain being placed around your neck "Open them." You did and when you looked down it was the necklace you have been wanting for a long time! But it was pretty expensive.

"How?...But?,,,Expensive...thank you." You didn't know what to say

"I'm sorry, but you're worth more than money ever will be." You looked at the necklace before looking at him and going to him for a hug which he surprisingly returned and it was a tight and comforting one. He knew he was forgiven.

*EDITING* Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios (MODERN) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now