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29th Day of the Fifth Moon. Year 879.

Writing: Nick, Son of Unknown

I don't remember how long it took me to shake myself out of the shock. Over seventy thousand Humans stood on the doorstep of Romara, their spears extended to pierce the thick walls and their red capes a foretelling of the future. "We gotta go, now" I whispered and grabbed Tariq's paw, pulling her back. "No" She murmured, fixed on her place and her eyes still wandering down at the army. "No?! Tariq, we'll die if we don't leave!" I exclaimed, tugging on her paw, pulling her harder, but as if the very stones of this wall held her down, she didn't move.

"I know you don't care about this city, but it's MY city and I'll fight to save it... a Queen must fight for her people" She growled at me, her eyes barely moving, her lips curled and her teeth bared. I glanced at the chaos around us. Men, armed and not, ran around in their haste to load the cannons, signal their comrades and prepare themselves. My gaze soon returned back to the army, it being nothing but a crimson sea in the distance. Romara was deemed unreachable... yet who could have thought Humans would attack from their own borders.

"Fine, then I'll fight with you, but then we leave" I nodded, a warning in my voice. I might need her, but I wouldn't waste more than two weeks in this city, I've already stayed far longer than it was worth it and now I'll be trapped in here for a few more days... hopefully.

Now words left her mouth as she turned around and rushed through the rushing soldiers without a single emotion glowing in her face. But I knew that this was a lie, and as I followed her, with every step I grew more certain of it. She was burning inside, burning to kill every last of these furless beasts on her hometown's doorstep. That determination guided her, us, through the streets of Romara. In every alley and every street, there were the same faces... some would fight and others would flee, women would kill and men would slaughter and kits would struggle for their lives, but there was one thing to be certain of. The only thing that could prove an obstacle to the enemy at the gates was Abraxxos keep... the guardian of Romara.

I prayed it would suffice and halted at Tariq's signal. We were back at The Blood Coin inn, but the thief-den looked different, felt different. The windows had been closed shut, there were no songs or lights coming from the glass wall, these merry voices having been replaced by thundering whispers of conspiracy and doubt. "You have an army" I whispered, this wasn't a statement, but a realization. Around me, I started to feel it, the rhythm of Romara's beating heart. It had nothing to do with the merchants and the soldiers, no... "Took you long enough" A feral smirk spread across Tariq's face like wildfire, her whole body burning with the arrogance of a winner.

Speechless, I surveyed the world around me, and then I saw it. "Teach them to fear the shadows of the desert!" Tariq yelled, her summon like a wave that flooded every corner and alley of the city, calling her army of misfits to her aid. "Things are changing!" She yelled, louder, and looked at me. Her golden eyes chained me where I stood as she took a step towards me, then smiled. "Let's show them we are more than just their little fuck-toys" She murmured, her voice a whisper that was lost in the morning mist... but that was what she wanted, to be heard where no one would listen... and then hear a reply.

Shadowy figures began to appear in every corner, out of every door, window, rooftop and tent. Daggers and swords flashed out of their sheathes, claws and fangs that eagerly awaited the fight now stood ready. "How do you like my army?" She smirked. I glanced at the females around me, "I'm starting to feel it" I returned her smirk.

"Good, good. Now follow me, we have plans to make" She said and the smirk didn't fade as she spoke her last words, entering her base of operations. The inn had been turned upside down, every table had been stored away and now weapon stands, shields and supply crates had taken the place of the chairs and only a few torches lit the room, which was filled with armed females of various species. "I need any information you can give me" Tariq spoke, placing her paws on the single bed that stood in the middle of the room, acting as a war map.

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