Prologue: Where Do We Begin...?

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A/N Alright, the editing of the chapters is not being made by me, but by @Kaz_Dirtyhands so if you would like to go and check her out, that'd be awesome!!

In a continent far away, the species of our tallest, most fanciful tales dwell. Creatures in the form and figure of humans and monsters living in the flesh of animals. Animals that walk on two feet and speak the common tongue like men, for humans are not the cleverest beast, as much as we'd like to think it. Yes, my fellow humans, these legends exist in the world, hidden away in secret corners and whispered quietly 'twix storytellers of each generation.

Long, long ago these forgotten species began a war. A bloody, violent massacre that spread throughout the continent like a plague and swallowed all who entered it. Death reigned for years... many years. Too many years, for the stories say that that even the farmers and healers had more blood on their hands than any general or veteran. And when those who feed us and patch our torn and rent flesh look to their blades....then demons walk the earth and feast on the screams of men.

It did not stop for ages, until the bloodshed was too much, too great of a cost, many had forgotten what they were fighting for. Land watered in blood? Mines choked with the dead? There was nothing, not anymore. Those species that had formed alliances during the war soon formed Clans, in which they lived as one.

The Clan of Astora. The first dwellers of this continent, which took its name after the clan itself. This empire was the first to be formed, powerful in its military and financial aspects, these giants consist of almost seventy different species. Lions, panthers, cheetahs, bears. Blood fed them and ferocity was their mantle. Giants and dwarves of the natural kingdom now formed their own worlds, their spheres of influence. And Clan Astora ruled what it could with an iron-clad paw.

The Clan of Gaia. Soon, the most peaceful of the species decided to refrain from any sort of hostile activities and traversed deep into the woods that would soon be named Bluntwood forest so that they could remain undisturbed by their warring neighbors. Peaceful creatures now dwell there, farmers and scholars that provide all other clans with agricultural produce. They retreated so far, in fact, that they nearly forgot they, too, were a part of Astora's fate.

The Clan of Shepherds. A millennium after the great war, an armada of furless creatures arrived in the continent of beasts and monsters. Humans, like you yourselves, with much the same blood running through their veins. They soon settled, as Men will often do, creating ports and cities of magnificent scale and architecture, beautiful in aspect, gaining a place on the seat of power. Though a kingdom, they soon decided to become the masters of their own fates and now a parliament declares the will of the people and enforces the laws that have been penned for decades, if not centuries.

The Clan of Blunts. These are the animals that did not even bother with settling into a side after the war, for they did not care what the powerful would issue upon them. The dregs of society. They started as murderers, thieves and all sorts of criminals... but they changed, finding themselves becoming engineers, gunsmen, scientists and free spirits. They are reviled as much as their talent is envied, and they only know three Laws. They hide into a single city in the eastern side of the continent and no other clan knows their location...  

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