Chapter 1: Invitation from... a Human?

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21st day of the fourth moon. Year 879. Writing: Antony, Son ofMaximilian.

I knelt on the cold mossy dirt and stretched my paw to reach the staple of a herb hidden beneath the roots of an overgrown tree. It needed three tries until I finally managed to get it.

I sat down and wiped the sweat off my forehead, not even I knew how many hours I had been wandering around the forest gathering herbs. I was not a certified herbalist but to be sincere I found them to be quite interesting.

In a moment of peace I turned my eyes up towards the blue sky which had little clouds floating on it like boats on the endless ocean.... one more wonder which I still had not experienced. My sight was hindered by the dense leaves of the tree above me but I did not mind at all. It filtered the sunlight into small rays that when they touched the ground they lit up bits and pieces of hidden beauty.

I inspected the herb I had just found and then placed into my bag to keep it safe. The next thing I had to do was to write down notes about my finds and then probably return home, it was getting close to noon after all and my stomach was protesting rather loudly.

I gathered my tools and hastily stuffed them into my backpack. Through the years of exploration inside this forest the need for a path which I would use as a way to return home had risen. It was nothing special or intricate, mere stones placed in such a way that indicates the direction.

I followed that trail for almost an hour until I found myself at the edge of the forest. My house could be easily seen from the hill that I was currently standing... It was somewhat magnificent in it, I do not have the means to explain it but that petite wooden farmhouse stood higher in my eyes than the Grand St.Paul's cathedral.

The wooden poles were more valuable than gold to me and the library I had next to my bed held greater value than the Duke's Archives of Astora.

I strolled down the hill at a pace which I could enjoy the nature blooming. We are currently in the first days of spring, what is commonly described as the rebirth of all. Oh.... who knows, it might as well be like that.

"Off to the forest Anton?" My neighbor, Mr.Moris said from a distance. "Quite the opposite friend! You see I am returning from it" I joyfully explained and waved goodbye as he left my sight to return to his crops. The town of Iver was primarily an agricultural community but to be telling the truth we had a fair amount of breweries. There was a single blacksmith in Iver but he only knew how to craft farming tools.

I walked past the sign with the inscription: Iver and started making my way to the western part of the town where my house was. The new stoned paved roads made our town look more alive, they gave off an air of civilization.

"How did the gathering go?" Another voice called at me, it was Mrs.Baria who had gone out for her noon walk before lunch. "I found a new species! I think it will serve greatly as a spice!" I said and her face lit up from excitement. "Can I have some?" She asked greedily.

"Not yet I'm afraid. But in the future" I assured her and continued my way down the road. This is what I cherish the most about Iver.... the purity of people's hearts, they are all gentle and kind.

My ears perked as a common face approached me, Sia. "Hello Anton! How are you?" She asked gracefully and bent over my back to see what I had found. "I am doing great, how about you?" I replied. "Well I'm going over to my mother's house to help her with lunch, do you want to come over?" She asked but unfortunately I had to refuse. I had to sort out and document everything I had found today at the forest. "I'll see you later then" She said and continued her way, hopping on the road with charm.

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