Chapter 19

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(Narrator )

The woman who had found Valerie panicked and rushed out of the bathroom. She didn't listen to Valerie and went right to alpha Alexander.

"Alpha Alexander ! There's a young girl in the bathroom who is sitting in her own blood in the bath!" She cries out to him and he frowns.

For once he's sober and in a good mood . He follows the woman and when he sees what's before him he runs into the bathroom slipping in the water and goes right up to Valerie.

Alexanders pov

I instantly knew that was Valerie. She looked so beaten up with bruises . But who would have done such a thing ? I get her out of the water taking my shirt off and ripping it . I wrap it around both her arms she carry her wet body to the doctors . I arrive and they already have their equipment out since I contacted them ahead of time.

They started hooking her up to all these machines.. they worked very fast as a team. Her chest rises up and they all look relieved . "Alpha sir, the Luna will survive." I give them a nod and walk towards her.

She's on bed with a breathing machine attached to her , he hair stuck to her forehead. I took her into the covers and she flinches in her sleep.

Whoever done this must of hurt her really bad and I will find them. A voice in my head chuckles . "It was you , you dumbass." My eyes widen and I knew who exactly who it was.

My wolf! He had returned to kill her . I growl in my head and he chuckles evilly. I didn't have any control over my body in the pass few weeks because of him .

I walk out the room slamming my fist into the wall. I was just getting things right with Valerie then my wolf comes to ruin everything. She will never forgive me because she's gonna think it's me.

I grab my hair and start stressing out. I let this get too out of control. "You even raped her too. How dare you Alexander!" My wolf chuckles while saying.

My eyes widen even more because I don't remember anything that happened. I go to my office growling at everything in sight . I fucking blew it this time.

I head back to the room she's in and her eyes close instantly when I come in. I take a seat by the bed and sit there for some time .

"That was my wolf you know... I didn't mean to hurt you." Her eyes stay close and I sigh . I really wanted things to be better.

"You can't keep on trying to kill yourself Valerie , I give you some of my alpha blood to keep you alive each time ."

She whimpers and a tear falls down her cheek.
She doesn't want to be alive I know that for a fact but I won't let her leave on my watch .

She turns the other way and her back faces me now. Her whip marks still there and I cringe . I did all this fucking mess to her . I'm ruining her life !

I growl and she flinches.

"Sorry. I'll be back love I just need some fresh air." I leave to get my mind cleared out.

Sooo sorry Its short but I wanted to update😁 if your confused about the whole thing re read some of the chapters.

What do you think will happen between them ?

How will Valerie act now ?


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