Chapter 10

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His angry wolf figure stalks towards me and I gulp. "Alexander please calm down." The only response I got back was his vicious growl.

I use the dirty wall for support and I stand up. I take a deep breathe and look up from my socks . "Please don't hurt"- he pounced on me before I even could register it. His long claws ran down my cheek.

I tried getting from under his hold but he growled. I started using my fist to punch him. All I wanted to do was get from under him. He gets ahold of my hand in his mouth and bites down on it. He bites down as hard as he can and I scream.

The pain was unbearable. I heard a crack from my hand and blood gushing out of his mouth. My eyes widen and before I could do anything I passed out cold.


I wake up and look over at my arm. It's bloody and swollen. I think I may pass out again. My eyes flutter close and something stops me from passing out. We're is Alexander? Why was I laying on something so soft but hard?

I slowly look up and almost wet my pants. I was laying on alpha Alexanders leg. He was looking right down at me. I just burst into tears.

I had no clue what was going on with my life but I didn't like it. I wish I can go back to my poor broken down house. With my brother and mother.

To my small bedroom that was home to me. Not some cell that's freezing cold and smells like blood. I'm tired of getting beat nonstop for no reason.

I know it was wrong for trying to steal money but I'm already being punished enough with being in these cells with a mate who doesn't even care.

I could jump off a building and he would probably grab a comfy chair and some popcorn.

He looks at me with a pained expression and I close my eyes. How do I get out of this situation?

"Can you feel your arm?" I jump at the sudden noise of him talking. "No", I whisper. He puts his hand out to touch it and I whimper.

He lifts it up and I wince. "Looks like it will need a few stitches." I look at the deep teeth marks in my skin and I cringe. I try sitting up but he pushes me back down.

"Stay." I gulp and nod my head. His hands go through my hair. He pulls me up closer to his chest and puts his nose in my hair.

"What am I going to do with you?" He shakes his head as he frowns. "Kill me like you were planning to do in the first place." I whisper while shrugging.

He's stiffing and looks down at me. "Besides that mutt." What else in mind was he thinking?

"I need to get out of this hell hole!" He groans. "Hey you! Come here!" He calls to the guard walking by.

"When do I get out of here man?" The guard hums and smiles. "It looks like you will be getting out actually next week." My eyes widen at how soon he's getting out.

Which means I have only a few days to live. The guard leaves and comes back with food. He sets them down and leaves. Alexander already started to eat as I was against his chest.

He took a bite and held it towards my mouth. Which I did not open up for. I was tired of that mush they call food. "Eat it now Valerie." I huff and eat the mash potatoes of the fork.

"You know I can eat by myself I'm not a baby." He starts to chuckle and shake his head. "Not when both your arms are broke."

"You caused it though." I whisper it and he tenses. "Speaking about that other arm the doctor told me you could get it off now."

I nod my head. I'm glad I finally get to take this cast off. It's so itchy. But I will probably be stuck with another with the incident from yesterday.

Something's been on my mind that I've been meaning to ask him. I probably asked this before but I wanted to see if his answer has changed or not.

"Alexander why don't you like me?" He tensed once more and sighed.

I didn't know if I was going to like the answer or not.

Here's a new chapter for you guys! Hope you enjoy! Not very long today.

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