Chapter 24

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We hanged out. It was nice. Just to relax. No worries.

*Riven's POV*

It has been a while since the poker game. I have been hanging with the Winx more because I am still in a wheelchair. So I can't fight.

"Hey Riven." Layla said coming into the room.

"Hey Layla." I said to her.

"How you doing?" She asked me.

"I am doing good. Bloom used her healing power on me earlier so." I told her.

"Do you want to try?" She asked me.

"I don't know." I said to her truthfully.

"Riven, I thought you wanted to surprise her. You know you need to keep going. Don't give up hope." Layla said to me.

"I do want to surprise her. I just don't want to let her down. I am scared." I told her looking at the floor.

"I know you are scared. But it is okay to be scared. But you can do this. Do you want to try? It's up to you." She said to me.

"Okay. Let's try." I said.

Then Layla first went to get help. Tecna was in her room. But she stopped whatever she was doing to came and help us.

The rest of the Winx except for Musa knows what I am doing. I want to surprise Musa by me walking.

Bloom's healing power has been helping me heal fast. So I kind of have feeling in my left leg but not a lot to help me walk. So I have been walking up to it.

"You ready?" Layla asked me.

"Yeah. Let's do it. I have to keep trying." I told them.

Then Layla and Tecna helped me out of the wheelchair. I can stand with someone's help. Then Layla used her powers and made two beams appear to help me. I grabbed them.

"You can do this Riven. Just have hope." Layla said to me.

I do have hope. I have hope that one day I will walk again. That I will have catch up in all my classes. That one day I will have Musa as my girl.

When I was thinking all the things I hoped for. Mostly thinking about Musa. It gave me the strength to take a few steps. I looked over to Layla and Tecna.

They were smiling with joy. Then Tecna said,

"See Riven what you can do if you just put your mind to it."

"Yeah. I know." I said. I then tried to take a few more steps but instead I fell. Layla and Tecna ran to help me up.

"Are you okay Riven?" Layla asked me.

"Yeah. At least I took a few steps before that happened. So it is progress." I said still smiling.

"Yes, it is." Layla said to me.

Tecna brought over my chair. I got right back in it. Layla made the beams disappear. That is fine with me. I think I am good for now.

"Just got to keep on trying. We will get there." Layla said.

"Yeah I know. Can I tell you pixie something?" I said to them.

"Sure Riven. What is it?" Tecna asked me.

"You want to know what gave the strength to take those steps." I said to them.

"What?" Layla asked me.

"Musa. I was thinking of her." I told them.

"Wo. What true love can do." Layla said to me.

Tecna didn't make a smart ass comment. I know she won't. She didn't want to admit it but we all know she agrees.

"Yeah. That is what helps me to keep going." I said to them truthfully.

If you told me a year ago that I would be opening up like this to a group of pixies. I would have told you that you were crazy. But now, it is different.

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