Chapter 7

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I got to Alfea and parked my bike. I looked around and smiled. I was unpacking my things from bike when I felt two arms go around me. I quickly turned around to see Stella.

"You are back." Stella said still hugging me.

"Yes. I am back." I said to her. Then the rest of the Winxs came up to me.

"Hey girls." I said.

"Look at you. Hover bike and all." Layla said.

"Yeah. They let me use this one for the time." I told them.

They girls helped me take my things to our room. I walked into my room. I miss this place.

It is the morning. I woke up forgetting that I was at Alfea. I kind of use to waking up to see Helia at his desk or something.

I walked out changed and ready for the day.

"Morning Musa." Bloom said handing me a cup of coffee.

"Morning and thanks." I said taking it.

"So did you forget where you were?" Layla asked at me.

"Yeah. I did." I told her.

"I am hungry. Can we go to breakfast?" Stella asked us.

"Yeah, come on." Flora said.

We headed to the breakfast. You never know how much you miss a place until you are not there every day.

After breakfast we got ready for classes. I was in Wizgiz's class. We were waiting for Wizgiz to get into classroom.

"So Musa, is it weird going back and forth from two different schools?" Tecna asked me.

"Not really. It is like taking extra classes at a different place." I told them.

"So I am wondering something." Bloom said.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked her.

"What did they teach you so far?" Bloom asked me. The girls were just asking me questions about what I do at Red Fountain and everything.

"Well let's just say I am all the way up to where the guys are. I did it all in a small period of time." I told them.

"Wow. That must have been ruff." Someone said to me.

"A little bit but you get used to it." I told them.

Wizgiz finally came into the room to start class.

"Well welcome back Musa. We all missed you." Wizgiz said to me.

"Thanks Wizgiz. But you got to get use to not see me for period of time." I told him.

"I know. It is just nice having you back in my classroom." He told me.

"It is nice being back. It doesn't smell." I said. I heard snickers coming from the girls. Even Wizgiz laughed at what I said.

"I hope not." He told me.

Then he started the class. I had my phone on my just in case the guys need me. I then felt my phone vibrate. I know Wizgiz heard my phone vibrating too.

"Musa, is that you?" He asked me.

"Yes. I am sorry. Can I please take it?" I asked him.

"Yes. Just this once." He told me.

"Thank." I said then I answered my phone. I hear something I was not expected. I heard...

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