Chapter 19

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There were no responds. I couldn't even hear Riven swearing. We lost them. Tecna was still working at her computer. She then grinned. She said,

"I know where they are."

We went right to Ms. Faragonda's office. We told her what we found. Then we decided to go right away. We can't waste any more time. Riven is not doing good. We need to get to him fast. The guys and I went back to my room to get a few things we need.

"We need to leave soon." Stella said to us.

"We know Stella. Just hold on. We need this stuff. One thing Red Fountain taught us was to be prepared." I told her.

When we got everything we need. We left too safe the guys. When we got to the place. It was a build. I looked around. This is not right. Something doesn't feel right.

"Be on toes guys. Something is not right here." I said to them.

"It's too easy." Lex said looking around.

We walked into the building. It was quiet. Too quiet. Something was not right here. Then out of nowhere these weird creatures came and attacked us.

"Know it was too quiet." Lex yelled as we fought these creatures.

"Girls go find the guys. We got it here." I yelled to them. They did what I said.

When we got fighting the creature we went to find the guys. When we found the girls. They were at the guys. But the guys were stuck in a giant cage.

"How are we going to get them out?" Stella asked.

I looked at the lock. It was a simply look to pick. I looked at Stella. I then said,

"Give me one of your bobby pins."

She did without a question. I then went to work pick locking the lock. The guys were there at the door.

"Hurry Musa. Riven doesn't got long." Sky said to me.

"Guys eaze back. She is going as quick as she can." Helia said to me.

Then I got the door unlocked. I ran inside and went right to Riven. He was not doing good. He was losing that battle.

"Riven." I said to him.

"Musa?" He asked looking at me.

"I am right here Riven." I said to him.

"I am sorry for everything." He said to me.

"Don't start talking like that. We will get you out of here." I told him.

"Musa, I can't move. It hurts too much." He told me.

"Then fight there the pain. Don't let death win this battle. Didn't you tell me you fought this battle before and you won every time?" I asked him.

"Yeah. But I don't know about this time." He told me.

"I don't want to hear those words. All I want to hear is you will be fine and you can do this." I told him.

He was closing his eyes. I looked at him. I then turn to the guys for help but they were kind of busy at the moment fighting those creatures again.

"Riven, stay with me." I said to him.

"Musa, I have to tell you something." He said to me.

"What Riven?" I asked. I had my weapon at a hand waiting for one of those creatures to attack. I know I can't winx up right now being all these emotions.

"I am sorry how I treated you. I just didn't know how to tell or show you." He was saying to me.

"Riven, no. Don't talk. Save your strongest. We will make it out of this." I said to him.

"Musa, please let me tell you this. I always....." He was saying but then stop.

"Riven, what is wrong." I asked.

He didn't say anything to me. He looked at me and then started to close his eyes. I looked at him. I then said,

"No Riven. No. Stay with me. Come on Riven. Please."

He didn't say anything. The guys and Winx got done fighting the creatures. They came over to me. He was in my arms now. I started to cry. He can't be. He can't be. When I was crying into his chest I felt a hand touch me. I just shocked it off. Then it touches me again. This time I looked up. I looked up to see.....

A Specialist With Wingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن