Chapter 10 - [Reconcile]

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to feed Lulu?" y/n asked, the smell coming from the pan is making my stomach rumble.


"Yeah, Lulu, I decide to call her Lulu. Cute right?" she smiles.

"That is a ridiculous name."

"Really?" she frowns, puckering her lower lip. "I thought it's cute, but I guess not."

I rolled my eyes seeing her pout and grab the cat food out of the kitchen closet. Walking over to the cat bowl and refill it with pebbles. Inviting the kitten over to munch on her food. I slide myself down beside the kitten seeing her eat. "Lulu." I whisper to the kitten, making sure y/n doesn't hear it.

"Dinner's ready!" y/n chimes holding 2 plates in her hands and placing it down to the eating table. "Took you long enough." I said bitterly as I stand up to sit down in front of the delicious looking dish. Y/n took a seat across from me also with a plate in front of her. I didn't waste any more time to finish up everything on my plate. Y/n must have put more portions on my plate because I'm already stuffed with just one plate. I notice y/n is not having her appetite, she keeps playing, swirling the sauce and rice with her spoon.

"Are you going to eat?"

Her eyes met mine and I could see the forced smile on her face. The skin around her eyes is still puffy. "I don't know what I'm going to say to Jimin and Sojin if I see them tomorrow." she looks down at her food.

Is she still worried about that? "They should be the one talking to you." I said.

"I kind of felt bad for overreacting." the frown grows on her face.

"Why are you even friends with that girl anyway?"

"You mean Sojin?"

"Yeah yeah her." I see her lips curl up a little.

"The first time I met her, we were seatmates, then we started talking and talking, I guess we just clicked. We have the same interests and we both are freshmen and doesn't really know anyone yet, so we just became friends."

"How about Jimin then?"

"What about him?" she raised one eyebrow.

"Do you like... like him?"

"Maybe." She mutters. Breaking eye contact.

"Maybe you like him or maybe you don't?"

"I don't know Taehyung, why does it even matter now?" her eyebrows furrowed.

"You fell for him didn't you?"

"Yeah well, he's nice..."

"You are seriously so Naive and beyond dumb y/n." I scoff, my irritation is growing.

"Go ahead call me as many names as you like Taehyung! I have been called worse than that." she slams the table, her eyes already glossy with tears. "I have tried so hard to cut ties with everyone from my High School, I knew I should have chosen a further University, I knew this is going to happen again." her hands pulling the roots of her hair.

"Ya..." I am seriously at a loss for words. There is a lot of things that I am guilty of for her.



I am on the verge of tears, can everyone just give me a break? Is it not enough already ruining my whole 4 years of high school. I don't know what I did to even deserve all this.

Taehyung stands up from his seat, taking his steps towards me, making me step back. He found his hands around my wrist and pulled me, I want to pull away, but his grip is too strong. "Kim Taehyung!"

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now