I Have To Go Back (2 weeks later)

Start from the beginning


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     Hmmm...where's IF? This is the address she gave me, so where is she? I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I took a moment to look around the room. It looked like the room belonging to a young girl. One thing that stood out to me was the little plush dolls of girls I didn't recognize at first. I disregarded that and continued my search. Without thinking, I opened a random door and turned on the lights. I saw something that shocked me for a second.

 I saw something that shocked me for a second

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     IF and Compa were sleeping in bed. Compa hadn't been woken up by the lights. IF was just staring at me while I stood there, startled. She spoke up after a bit.

-"What are you doing here?" IF asked in a tired voice.

-"I...I came here because of your note you left me." I said.

-"*sigh* Check what time I wrote that you should've shown up at." 

     I was a bit confused at first but I pulled out the note anyway. I read it again, glossing over the details until I reached the bottom. It said "Come at around 8:30 PM". I hesitantly looked at my digital watch. It read 8:36 PM. Wait, what? How is that possible, the sun is just rising! Wait...I checked the settings bar and saw that I still had my watch set on polar ice cap base time. I apologized quickly, turned off the lights again, closed the door and got the hell out of there as fast as I could. No way I'm sticking around to see the aftermath of this.


     I was trying to get over my mistake at my home. I was laying in my bed when I heard a high-pitched sound. I sat up immediately upon hearing it. I was alert now. I heard the same sharp sound again. This was a sound I've heard before in my past. As if talking to it, I called out in response.

-"Who's there?" I called.

     The only response I got was a similar sound. I don't know exactly what the sound was, but it sounded like a cry, a call. I felt as if I should answer it. I must've been losing my mind because I saw a thin yellow line made of floating dust-like material leading out of my home. Having practically no choice, I followed. It led to the military hangar of Planeptune. Once I arrived, I kept following the line. It led me inside the hangar and it ended at the plug door of the same plane I had returned to Planeptune in. What was happening to me? I made a quick stop to grab my flight helmet and walked towards the old rust bucket.

We're In a Team (IF and Compa x Writer)Where stories live. Discover now