"You make mistakes all the time." You felt your eye twitch

"Oh and you don't? You're mister perfect? You never make a mistake because Kakuzu isn't human right! Well you know what? I'm done! Give me MY money" You snatched it all from him "I'm not staying with someone who won't buy me something not even a bag of chips! Someone who doesn't turn the ac on AND someone who thinks they are better than me AND WONT HIDE IT!" You yelled that at him in his face before getting up and leaving slamming the door.


You weren't in the mood for anyone's bullshit today including your boyfriend Hidan. You know he always called you bitch and half the time you would call him an asshole but today for some odd reason you were feeling very emotional and unstable and wasn't handling anything right today. You read the messages over that he sent you and the word Bitch stung. It never did before but today it did so instead of crying over it you ignored him. He came earlier today for a meeting today before you go to lunch so before he left he called you his bitch under his breath and winked at you. You mustered a half smile before looking down missing the concerned look he gave you. It was 5 minutes before lunch when he came out and you looked up to see him staring at you so you averted your eyes. You grabbed your stuff leaving to go outside before him. You rushed making a beeline to the park area thing by your building and you were in a secluded area before you felt arms on your shoulders turning you around

"Why in such a rush bitch?" You growled at him feeling your eyes water

"Is that all you can call me? Bitch? You can't call me baby, angel or even better MY NAME." You felt a stray tear fall to your dismay and his eyes widen in panic.

"Woah! I-I-I didn't k-know-" You cut him off

"Of course you don't know, you don't take into consideration my feelings. Now leave me alone." You didn't give him a chance to respond as you turned and left


You knew Pein was going to be angry at you, you felt it in your heart. Well not angry you knew he was going to disagree with your opinion and just ignore you for a bit until he gets over his self. So you knocked on his office door intent on giving him your opinion on a question he asked you but you couldn't answer at the moment. You heard a soft voice say "come in" and you did as told

"Good morning Pein." He looked up at you before smirking slightly indicating with his hand that he wanted the door closed. You did as instructed and walked up to him handing him the papers. "By the way world peace will only be successful by the key word peace and not the opposite of it which is force and violence." He stood very quiet as he looked at you with a stern look and you fought not to snicker at him

"Get out my office and don't speak to me until I call" You turned swiftly around so he won't see your grin and you promptly left his office closing the door behind you.


You were confused as to why Zetsu would spend so much time with his garden. I mean you understand that his garden is his prize possession and he's been working on it since he was a kid and he worked on it hard and long. You respected that he loved being here and bringing you here but you wanted to go somewhere else with him

"Are you even listening to me Y/N? Of course not" You blinked looking at him smiling sheepishly

"Sorry I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" You looked at him contemplating whether or not you should tell him so you went for it

"Well I know you love your plants but can we go somewhere else?"

"Where would you like to go? It's not good enough for you?" You were confused at both responses

"I don't think it's not good enough it's beautiful but I would like to see a movie or go to the park." He huffed turning away from you

"Plants are more important anyway. I didn't mean that!" Your jaw dropped as you stared angrily at him

"Fuck you." You turned on your heel storming away ignoring his calls and pleas


"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!" You rubbed the bridge of your nose as Tobi continuously yelled your name in your ear

"What Toby? What could you possibly want?" He shriveled away from you cowering a bit

"Toby just wanted to play with you..." You snarled at him ticked off at his obnoxious behavior for some reason

"Well Toby, go somewhere else cause Y/N doesn't care nor does she want to deal with you right now!" Toby was quiet. He was really quiet and you looked over at him to see his mask half way up

"Y/N was mean to Toby" You knew damn well that, that was Obito talking that time and before you can say a word he left to the back room slamming the door and locking it in the process.

"Great." You leaned your head against the back of the couch knowing that you were going to have to fix it.


"ART DOES NOT GO OUT WITH A BANG DEIDARA!" You and Deidara were having an argument over art and this one seemed to be a bit more serious then the usual little banters that the two of you have.

"YES IT DOES UN, IT'S MEANT FOR A MOMENT YEAH NOT FOREVER HN." He was stuttering a little more meaning he was getting angry fast which was unusual. He get's like that with Sasori

"For the last time Deidara accept my opinion and AGREE TO DISAGREE." He was adamant on being stubborn

"NO YOU ARE WRONG AND THAT'S IT YOU STUPID ASS." Before you can retaliate he hung up the phone on you causing you to slam yours and squeeze your eyes sighing heavily in frustration


You weren't having it today with these damn puppets. You wanted to actually hang out with your boyfriend not sit down and watch your boyfriend tinker away at his puppets. You liked puppets and dummies you did, don't misunderstand you but you wanted some quality time with your boyfriend such as watching a movie or something. Something that didn't involve sitting in his office playing with his puppets. "Can we do something else?" He ignored you humming lightly "Like you know something like watch a movie, go get food, go shopping, go for a walk."

"This is more important." You huffed standing up and pacing irritating him "Stop pacing brat." You snapped at him

"I'm not Deidara don't call me brat." You scowled at him as he glared at you from the corner of his eye "Soooo spending time with your girlfriend isn't important."

"We are spending time brat." You huffed heading for the door not wanting to see him right now

"Watching you for hours play with puppets is not spending time." You opened the door stepping out "AND DON'T CALL ME BRAT" You slammed the door hard behind you, making the tools on the wall rattle.

*EDITING* Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios (MODERN) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now