Prologue: Paislee Remembers

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"If I were an angel, I would be a fallen one trying to fly on broken wings, with a broken heart. That was when you found me and taught me to fly again, because you loved me." Unknown

I don't remember much from that night, but what I do remember haunts my memory every single day. It was a January Friday night like any other. Me, Nikkole, my boyfriend Wyatt, and Nikki's boyfriend Zee were at a party. We all rode up in Zee's truck. Zee was my best friend. We had known each other since we were tots. As usual, by 1am the boys were drunk and unable to drive home, so either Nikkole or I would take turns and drive home. That was the night that I drove home.

The next thing I remember is hitting black ice and sliding into the tree at 60mph.I was awake for a few minutes, but then the pain in my abdomen was so bad that I passed out. Zee was in the passenger seat and he was killed instantly. Nikkole was in the back with Wyatt. She suffered a broken arm and a few bruises. Wyatt suffered a concussion and a couple bruised ribs. I, on the hand broke my pelvis, had glass in my face, bruised most of my rib cage, and had a serious concussion with brain swelling. Nikkole and I were 16. Wyatt and Zee were 17 almost 18.

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