A Bunch of New Stuff

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Ryan's P.O.V

I awoke in a plain white room. I sat up and looked around. When I turned I felt a sharp pain in my back and I hissed.

"Thanks a lot bro" I said aloud. I heard the door open and my brother walked in.

"You put up a good fight I'll give you that. How did you learn to do all that with your powers?"

"You meet your new brother and you want to find out how I learned about my powers?" I stared at him confused


"Well I was recruited into a group named the Elites. My parents had been kidnapped and the only way to ensure they were safe was to give myself up. They told me I was very powerful and with the right training I could be a great warrior. I already knew how to fight thanks to Camp Half Blood, but I had no control over my abilities. A man named Blur came to me and said that he could help with that. Basically he used his mental powers to reveal parts of the mind that were blocked from my mind, in turn enabling me to do so much more than you could do. He taught me the mind over matter technique and he also told me that instead of looking at my powers from a magical perspective I should look at it from a scientific perspective. So I took the liberty of researching all advanced forms of hydrokinesis and learned how to vapor travel, form water and ice objects and a whole bunch of other stuff."

"Like flying?"


"Then I figured out the true purpose of the Elites which was a team of highly skilled mercenaries who possessed supernatural abilities, so I left. I took my parents with me and everything went back to normal."

"So Dad hasn't talked to you at all yet?" Percy asked raising his eyebrow

"Well um...." I was cut off by the sound of the door opening and a man walking into the room.

"You need to see this"


Percy's P.O.V

We walked into the main room and the news was on. It showed video footage of one of the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarriers crashing into a building. The caption read "SHIELD aircraft crashes into the Triskelion"

"What is the Triskelion?" I asked

"Super secret S.H.I.E.L.D facility/headquarters in D.C" Tony said

"Well if its so secret why is it being broadcast all over the news?" Came a very confused voice. I looked back and Ryan was scratching his head

"We'll we need to go there"

"WHAT? Did you not see the giant aircraft crashing into the building" I yelled

"There is an underground base there where all Avengers are supposed to meet in an emergency like this."

"Ok. But what about Thor, Cap and Natasha? They aren't here and if you said all the Avengers..."

"You'll see when we get there." He responded

The trip was not long. Only took 10 minutes in the standard issue Quinjet. Ryan came with us for some unknown reason. When the wheels were down we were led into the Tiskelion. It was chaos. Smoke, fires, shouts and screams. We went down the stairs and a man opened a door and I was met with cool air. He steered us into a room where a flat screen was against the wall. When we all seated and the man was out a man appeared on the screen.

"Hi, my name is Agent Phillip Coulsen of SHIELD. I am believed to be dead, but that's not true. For any new additions to the team I "died" during the Battle of New York, turns out Fury gave me a mystical drug to bring me back. But listen close. SHIELD's been infiltrated by HYDRA a terrorist organization that dates back to little ole' Captain's days. We have intel on a man named Baaron Von Strucker. He is a key component of this organization and needs to be detained. We also have intel that he is holding Chitari weapons, the TWINS (Natasha you know who those are) and Loki's scepter. Infiltrate his head of operations and retrieve the weapons and scepter. The TWINS are high priority, recruit them if possible. Mission spec have been uploaded to JARVIS. Good luck" Then the screen went blank.

I looked around and Tony and Bruce's eyes were wide and mouths agape.

"You heard the man. Lets go" Natasha said from behind me. Cap was next to her looking bruised and tired but still ready for a fight. An African American man was there also. He had a jet pack type thing on his back with two pistols in hand. Thor stood behind them chin resting on his hammer. A saddened look across his face.

"Who's the kid?" The black guy said

"Percy's brother. Im new. You?" Ryan spoke


We both nodded

"Stark suit up. New suit waiting for you. Bruce. Percy" She stared at me

"You've been equipped with armor. And Ryan... you just stay how you are."

"Always beautiful" He said winking

I punched his arm. Thor stepped forward.

"Percy, you have lifted Mjlnor. I have consulted with the all father and he says you know possess power over all things lightning, this will benefit us alot seeing we are in a technological era. Are you willing to help?"

"Why not. If the whole team gets new stuff I'll be willing to give it a shot."

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