Percy Jackson: Mighty Avenger

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Percy's P.O.V

"So you named your magic pen?" Natasha said holding riptide in her hand. She contemplated its balance, letting it roll back and forth in her palm.

"No. It came with a name." I told her. She didn't look like she believed me. "I could tell you its origin story."

She shook her head. "It would probably bore me to death. No offense."

I shrugged. Her face held a curious look and I knew she wanted to uncap it again.

"I told you it won't work unless I open the mist for you." 

"I saw it earlier though! In the lounge it was shining and everything."

"Yeah cuz I didn't want you to think I had a gun or something. Most of the time mortals can't see it. If I concentrate I can manipulate The Mist to show you the truth."

"So do it again."

I smirked. "Ask nicely."

She rolled her eyes and pouted her lips. It was uncharacteristically small of her. 

"Please." She said. It definitely wasn't a question. She wasn't asking for permission but I didn't care. She looked too damn good to deny her any further. I took the pen from her hand, letting my fingers graze the inside skin and brought Riptide between us. She peered down and when I uncapped it, I allowed The Mist to unbend around the rising blade. It sprung to its full length bringing light to the right side of her face and jaw. 

She tentatively reached out to touch the sword but her fingertips phased right through the bronze. 

"It can't hurt humans." I told her. 

"Good to know." She said distracted.

"Why does Fury want me on the team?" Her eyes focused and she looked back up at me. The awe of Riptide abandoned.

"You strike him as someone to keep on the good side. Why are you hesitant to accept the offer?"

"All my life I've fought battles for other people. The last didn't go so well for me." I admitted. I didn't want to say anymore or I'd start crying. And I DID NOT want to cry in front of Natasha.

She wasn't quick to respond, which I appreciated because it gave me time to fight the tears.

"If it's any consolation you don't have t-"

"A powerful man like Fury snatches me off the street and you're really gonna tell me I have a choice?" I said. Natasha didn't take me for a fool did she? I had as much of a choice as I did when the Oracle spit out the damn prophecy.

"Actually I snatched you off the street. And technically we weren't on the street." She replied. I could hear the smile in her voice without even seeing it. It made me laugh. I looked up to be proven right about her smile.

"So what do you say? Unless you really are some regular human..." She trailed off. I laughed again. 

"Hubris isn't my fatal flaw." Her head tilted at that.

"Then what is?"

"I'm loyal to those I love." I looked her in the eyes. "I'd die for them."


Natasha and I made our ways upstairs after I made my decision. We entered the lounge I was in earlier— now fully repaired— and Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Captain America (whoa) and a burly blonde haired guy who I assumed was Thor were seated. Fury stood in front of them. They looked like they were waiting for someone. It too me a minute to realize they were waiting for me. 

'Now that you have joined us Mr. Jackson-" Fury started but I cut him off.

"Yes, I will join your little super secret boy band. Now get on with what you are really trying to say." I said. Natasha shoved my shoulder.

"Good then. We have been keeping tabs on a potential threat." A screen popped up with a boy that was in his teens, maybe 13-14. He was tall for a kid his age and looked even more aged with his wild dark hair and deep eyes. I recognized their sea green color immediately.

"Kind of looks like you. Any idea why?" Fury added.

"I have one." I said through clenched teeth. I hadn't even noticed my teeth clench up.

"DAD! Get your sorry ass down here right now!" I yelled at the ceiling

"Percy, are you alright?" Natasha asked. Thor and Captain America looked at me wildly.

"Don't worry y'all. I'm fine." I said to ease their worries.

"Dad!!!!!" I yelled again

The sound of crashing waves resonated behind us and the room suddenly smelled of saltwater. 

When I turned around I spotted a man with black hair and a short black beard wearing familiar Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt with a fishing hat. This time Dad carried his trident down to Earth with him.

"What is it son" He said in a tired tone

I pointed to the boy on the screen. He stiffened.

"You didn't tell me I had a brother."

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